Page 25 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 25

Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

                                                               For ISO 8754, repeatability was assessed by performing two
                                                               sets of 20 analyses (40 total analyses) of the same sample on the
                                                               same instrument in the same laboratory by the same operator.
            Equation 3: Repeatability (r) in weight percent (wt. %) according to ISO 8754
            for sulfur in concentration range of 0.03 to 0.05 wt. % (a) and greater than   Reproducibility was assessed in the same manner as that for ASTM
            0.05 wt. % (b). The target concentration is represented as S.  D4294. The results were then compared to the calculated, statisti-
                                                               cal limit as per the method specifications, calculated based on equa-
                                                               tions 3 and 4. The analytical chamber was operated under ambient
                                                               atmospheric conditions for all analyses.

            Equation 4: Reproducibility (R) in weight percent (wt. %) according to ISO   The lower limit of detection (LLD) was calculated using equation 5.
            8754 for sulfur in concentration range of 0.03 to 0.05 wt. % (a) and greater
            than 0.05 wt. % (b). The target concentration is represented as S.

                                                                   Results for Standard Test Method
            Equation 5: Equation to calculate the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD). C is
            the concentration of S in ppm, NET is the fluorescent X-ray intensity of S   A summary of results of this study are presented in Tables 3 and 4
            (cps/µA), BG is the background intensity of S (cps/µA), T is the integration
            time (sec), and A is the current (µA).             for ASTM D4294 and Tables 5 and 6 for ISO 8754.

                                      Table 3. Results for repeatability (r) testing based on ASTM D4294 criteria.
                                                 Count Time   Method   Result in Air      Result in He
                 Test       Sample      Conc.                                    % RSD               % RSD
                                                   (sec)  Criterion (ppm)  (ppm)            (ppm)
              Repeatability  Base Oil   50 ppm      300       5.4        -          -        5.0       2.89
              Repeatability  Base Oil   100 ppm     200       8.5        -          -        7.1       2.08
              Repeatability  Base Oil   500 ppm     200        24        16       0.89       12        0.71
              Repeatability  Base Oil   0.5 wt. %   100       105        64       0.29       44        0.26
              Repeatability  Base Oil   4.0 wt. %   100       405       257       0.17       159       0.12
              Repeatability  Diesel     100 ppm     200       7.6        -          -        5.2       1.29
              Repeatability  Base Oil   500 ppm     100*       24        23       1.26       13.5      0.72
              Repeatability  Base Oil   0.5 wt. %   50*       105        80       0.35       41        0.22
              Repeatability  Base Oil   4.0 wt. %   50*       402       220       0.19       91        0.12
            *Analysis performed more rapidly than specified in method for given concentration.
            Note: Samples represented by dashes (-) are more amenable to analysis with helium atmosphere.

                                     Table 4. Results for reproducibility (R) testing based on ASTM D4294 criteria.
                                                 Count Time   Method   Result in Air      Result in He
                 Test       Sample      Conc.                                    % RSD               % RSD
                                                   (sec)  Criterion (ppm)  (ppm)            (ppm)
              Repeatability  Base Oil   50 ppm      300        24        -          -        5.4       2.44

              Repeatability  Base Oil   500 ppm     200       105        31       1.00       12        0.43
              Repeatability  Base Oil   4.0 wt. %   200       1776      388       0.25       667       0.09
              Repeatability  Diesel     100 ppm     200        41        -          -        17        1.85
            Note: Samples represented by dashes (-) are more amenable to analysis with helium atmosphere.

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