Page 19 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 19

Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

                   Benzene, toluene, and aromatics analysis           PIONA Analysis of Gasoline
                   system compliant with ASTM D5580                   by GC-VUV

                                                               * For information on VUV sales support, please contact the Shimadzu sales office in
               Aromatic analysis in fuels using HPLC with Refractive Index   your region.
            Detector (LC-RID) is an alternative to the FIA method for which
            analytical standards were approved in the early 2000s . ASTM   In late 2019 and early 2020, a reformulated FIA dye gel was
                                                  7, 8
            D6379 for aromatics analysis in jet fuel and ASTM D6591 for aro-  produced and sent through ASTM D02 subcommittees for an
            matics analysis in diesel have been published. ASTM D6379 is sim-  interlaboratory study (ILS) to prove statistical equivalence to the
            ilar to British standard IP 436. The FIA method requires manual   previous formulation. As of publication of this article, the new dye
            operation, requires a long analysis time (>60 minutes per sample),   gel seems to be suitable for analysis and final balloting for the re-
            and quantification ultimately relies on human measurement in the   vised D1319 method is moving through the ASTM D02 committee.
            column, modern  chromatographic  products  can be automated,   Despite the newly-available, functional dye gel, many laboratories
            provide shorter analysis time, and yield more precise quantification   are finding that HPLC and GC-VUV analytical methodologies are
            than the FIA method. The Nexera series with high productivity   faster, quantitatively more accurate, and more easily automated
            and automated support functions utilizing digital technology and   than the FIA dye gel method. Therefore, it is likely that we will
            the integrated LC system i-Series Plus can meet these analytical   continue to see development of alternative methods for analysis of
            methods. In addition, a single HPLC platform can be easily config-  hydrocarbon types in common fuels.
            ured to jet fuel analysis and diesel analysis.

                   Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in   1.  “Worldwide Fuel Charter—Gasoline and Diesel fuel sixth edition”,
                   Jet Fuel by LC-RID According to ASTM D6379/    Worldwide Fuel Charter Committee, October 28, 2019, pp. 33-34,
                   IP436 using a Single Column                    77-79.
                                                               2.  IEA-AMF Diesel and gasoline,
                   Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in      information/diesel_gasoline (accessed on August 26, 2020).
                   Jet Fuel by LC-RID According to ASTM D6379/
                   IP436 using a Two-column Set                3.  “Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 81 Part II”, U.S. EPA, April 28, 2014.
                                                               4.  “Engine Fuel and Control–Jet Fuel Aromatic Hydrocarbon Limits”,
                   Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in      U.S. FAA, February 4, 2020.
                   Diesel Fuel by LC-RID According to ASTM D6591
                                                               5.  ASTM D1319 Crisis,
                                                                   (accessed on August 27, 2020).
                                                               6.  Frequently Asked Questions Regarding D1319 Dye Issue,  https://
                                                         (accessed on September
               GC with Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy
                                                                  1, 2020).
            Detection (GC-VUV) is a relatively new analytical technique. Since
                                                               7.  ASTM D6379-11(2019), Standard Test Method for Determination of
            the VUV spectra are specific to the chemical structure of the com-
                                                                  Aromatic Hydrocarbon Types in Aviation Fuels and Petroleum Distil-
            ponent, it can easily analyze for each hydrocarbon type, and hy-
                                                                  lates—High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method with Re-
            drocarbon species can be determined without baseline resolution   fractive Index Detection, ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
            of each component and coeluting peaks can be easily deconvo-  PA, United States, 2019.
            luted . ASTM D8071 for the analysis of hydrocarbon group types   8.  ASTM D6591-19, Standard Test Method for Determination of Aro-
            in gasoline was published in 2017, and ASTM D8267 for aromatic   matic Hydrocarbon Types in Middle Distillates—High Performance
                                                                  Liquid Chromatography Method with Refractive Index Detection,
            analysis in jet fuel was published in 2019. VUV Analytics, Inc. con-
                                                                  ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, United States, 2019.
            tinues to be aggressive in pursuing the development of standard
                                                               9.  DISCOVER VUV, (accessed on
            test methods for all types of samples. GC-VUV improves labora-
                                                                  September 3, 2020).
            tory productivity and reduces costs by enabling multiple analysis
                                                               10.  FUELS ANALYSIS MADE SIMPLE,
            methods on a single platform . Shimadzu has a Global Solutions
                                                                  FA-Brochure-Final%207.16.19.pdf (accessed on September 3, 2020).
            Distribution  agreement  with  VUV  Analytics  Inc.  to  provide
            GC-VUV instrumentation worldwide.

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