Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 15

Insight from customer / Report

               To reveal reliability of the setup, consecutive measurements of   investigated by comparing the response in the desulphurized diesel
            the lowest level concentration (level 1) were performed, calculating   matrix with the response in a hexane solvent matrix for all three
            the relative standard deviation (RSD) for retention times and peak   concentration levels. The resulting recovery values were in the
            areas (Table 2). Retention times were found to be highly stable with   range 0.8 to 1.1 for all compounds at all levels (Table 5), ensuring
            a reproducibility below 0.05% for all target compounds. Area re-  reliable recovery regardless the target component concentration.
            producibility was below 4% for all spiked components, ensuring
            reliable detection and quantitation of the sulphur targets even at
                                                                     Table 3. Relative response factors (RRF) determined for
            low concentrations.
                                                                        the hexane solvent samples at level 1, 2 and 3
                                                                 #    Compound     Level 1  Level 2   Level 3
                       Table 2. Relative standard deviations at
                      level 1 for n = 6 consecutive measurements  1   Thiophene    103.5     98.4     106.3
                                          %RSD                   2   Butyl mercaptan  104.5  93.5     100.2
              #    Compound              Retention   %RSD Area
                               Time (min)
                                                                 3  2-Methylthiophene  105.5  95.1    103.0
              1    Thiophene     1.61     0.02      1.33
                                                                 4  tert-Butyl disulfide  94.3  97.8   94.7
              2   Butyl mercaptan  1.78   0.03      1.90
                                                                 5   Benzothiophene  89.7    99.2      90.8
              3  2-Methylthiophene  2.10  0.04      2.99
                                                                 6  Ethyl phenyl sulfide  109.1  114.7  106.7
              4  tert-Butyl disulfide  8.21  0.04   2.75
                                                                 7  Dibenzothiophene  93.3   101.3     98.3
              5   Benzothiophene  8.54    0.04      2.78
              6  Ethyl phenyl sulfide  9.55  0.03   1.17
                                                                     Table 4. Relative response factors (RRF) determined for
              7  Dibenzothiophene  22.28  0.01      3.93             the desulphurized diesel matrix samples at level 1, 2 and 3

                                                                 #    Compound     Level 1  Level 2   Level 3
                                                                 1    Thiophene    103.7     98.3     104.8
                    Equimolarity and recovery
                                                                 2   Butyl mercaptan  93.7   74.8      81.4
            Equimolarity of sulphur compound detection facilitates target sub-  3  2-Methylthiophene  107.9  99.5  104.5
            stance calibration by providing a response for different compounds
                                                                 4  tert-Butyl disulfide  100.6  100.9  98.1
            solely dependent on the amount of sulphur (in moles) being pres-
                                                                 5   Benzothiophene  90.5    98.5      92.9
            ent. To provide a measure for this, relative response factors (RRF)
            can be used. The response factors (RF) calculated from area and   6  Ethyl phenyl sulfide  107.4  120.2  113.1
            concentration  S for each compound  are averaged over all com-
                                                                 7  Dibenzothiophene  96.2   108.0    105.1
            pounds to determine values for the single response factors relative
            to the average value (RRF). In a perfectly equimolar detection,
            the response factors for all components are the same, resulting in   Table 5. Recovery determined at level 1, 2 and 3
            an RRF value of 100 for every compound. The relative response
                                                                 #    Compound     Level 1  Level 2   Level 3
            factors determined for the hexane solvent samples and the desul-
                                                                 1    Thiophene     1.03     1.01      1.01
            phurized diesel matrix samples of all three levels investigated are
            summarized in Table 3 and 4. For the samples diluted in hexane,   2  Butyl mercaptan  0.92  0.81  0.83
            RRF values were between 90 and 115 for all compounds at all con-
                                                                 3  2-Methylthiophene  1.05  1.06      1.04
            centration levels; in the diesel matrix samples, RRF values were
                                                                 4  tert-Butyl disulfide  1.09  1.04   1.06
            between 75 and 120. This demonstrates good equimolarity for not
            only the monosulphur compounds belonging to different substance   5  Benzothiophene  1.03  1.00  1.05
            groups, but also for the disulfide, independent of the chosen con-
                                                                 6  Ethyl phenyl sulfide  1.01  1.06   1.08
            centration level.
                                                                 7  Dibenzothiophene  1.06   1.08      1.09
               Recovery of the sulphur compounds in diesel matrix was

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