Page 11 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 11

“Listen to our needs and problems, and constantly look to progress in the development of new instruments and concepts”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

            Dr. Piparo          partners need to be willing to listen to our needs and prob-

                                lems, and constantly look to progress in the development
                                of new instruments and concepts. Shimadzu fulfills all
           Dr. Giusti           tion, based on a patent, for the development of a new kind
                                these characteristics.
                                  In fact, it is in this context that we started a collabora-

                                of detector for oxygen speciation.

                                  How are our instruments helping you?
                                   For many years, Shimadzu has been providing several
                                   instruments that are important to our daily laboratory
                                    work. These include specific sulfur detectors (SCD),
                                     with completely new technology that allows us to
                                     determine and quantify potential sulfur compounds
                                     present in trace amounts, and mass spectrometers
                                       that allow high-speed scanning without loss of
                                            sensitivity or spectral distortion. But above
                                            all, the main feature is that they provide   At the entrance of Shimadzu European Innovation Center.
                                            incredible robustness and stability over the years, ensuring stable measurements.

                                                   Finally, could you share any requests that you have concerning
                                                     analytical and measuring instrument vendors? How can we
                                                        help you?
                                                             The implementation of a platform for regular discussion where we
                                                                could, within our joint lab iC2MC, organize specific brainstorm-
                                                                   ing sessions with Shimadzu experts in various techniques
                                                                      (elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, chromato-
                                                                        graphic  separations)  in  order  to  better  define our
                                                                         actual expectations.

                                                                               About iC2MC

                                        Dr. Pierre Giusti is specialized in Ana-       Dr. Marco Piparo is the GC lab man-
                                      lytical Chemistry from proteomics to           ager in the Molecular Separation &
                                      petroleomi cs. Focused on molecular ana-       Identification team in TOTAL RAFFI-
                                      lytical  strategies  for  complex matrices/    NAGE CHIMIE. He has deep knowledge
                                      samples such as heavy crudes fractions,        and experience researching high sepa-
                                      new bio-feedstocks and polymers, taking        ration technologies such as multidimen-
                                      advantage of state of the art molecular        sional gas chromatography (GCxGC) for
                                      separation techniques and mass spec-           the detailed qualitative and quanti tative
                       trometry. Interested in instrumental developments with manu-  characterization of complex matrices and the injection tech-
                       facturers. Co-founder and Scientific Coordinator of the   nique for high boiling point samples.
                       International Joint Laboratory iC2MC (Complex Matrices Mo-
                       lecular Characterization) TOTAL - CNRS - Rouen University - Pau
                       University - Florida State University. ~35 scientists involved.

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