Page 7 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 7

“We all share the same working concept and goals”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr. Pan

                       in gas. NIMTT led the formulation of the national stan-  we hope to develop this method into a national stan-
                       dard GB/T 33318-2016 Gas Analysis—Determina tion   dard to solve the world-class problem of trace sulfide
                       of  Sulfide—Gas Chromatography with Sulfur Che-  measurement in hydrogen for the fuel cell industry.
                       miluminescence  in  2016,  solving  the  long  lasting
                       problem of lacking standards in the industry. The stan-  Characteristics compared with
                       dard is also about to be revised. The new-generation   competitive products
                       NexisSCD-2030 sulfur chemiluminescence  detector  of   Through our experiments, Shimadzu GC-SCD has cer-
                       Shimadzu was released this year, and after its release   tain advantages over similar products in sulfide detec-
                       in  China. We conducted a series of tests on the per-  tion  limit,  repeatability,  instrument  operation,
                       formance of the instrument and obtained satisfac-  maintenance  and  software  use.  With  our  sulfide  gas
                       tory results.                                  stan dard substance, trace gas analysis pipeline and
                                                                      valve injection analysis system, the repeatability of
                       In this period, we participated in the verification test for   direct  injection  analysis  for  1  μmol·mol-1  H2S/N2  gas
                       the formulation and revision of the national standard   standard substance is within 1%. The maintenance of
                       for  natural  gas  Natural  Gas—Determination  of  Sulfur   the instrument ceramic tube is simpler and more conve-
                       Compounds—Part 10: Determination of Sulfur  Com­  nient.  The analysis software workstation is more in line
                       pounds Using Gas Chromatography Method and the   with the operating habits of our laboratory staff.
                       petrochemical industry standard Determination of Sulfur
                       Compounds  in Middle Distillate­Gas Chroma tography   Future expectations for Shimadzu
                       and Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector  and obtained   We established the “Gas analysis standardization and
                       satisfactory experimental data.                solution demonstration ap-  plication  labora-
                                                                      tory” with Shimadzu this   time based on our
                       In terms of national standards for quality analysis     good cooperation with   Shimadzu in the
                       methods of the hydrogen for fuel cell, we are research-
                       ing and developing the preconcentration-GC-SCD
                       method, which is expected for the analysis of the total
                       sulfur in the hydrogen (total sulfur content not exceed-
                       ing  0.004ppm).  At  present,  we  have  preliminarily ob-
                       tained the relatively ideal data. After further verification,

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