Page 2 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 2

Note from the Director

                                        Shuzo Maruyama
                                        General Manager,
                                        Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division

                      As COVID‑19 maintains its grip on the world,   director of the Chemistry Research Division, National
                    Shimadzu Corporation would like to express our   Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology.
                    greatest sympathies to those affected by COVID‑19.   He discusses his relationship with Shimadzu and the
                    We would also like to offer our deepest condolences   reason why Shimadzu was chosen as their partner.
                    to the loved ones of those who lost their lives to     In the second one, Dr. Pierre Giusti, the co‑founder
                    this disease.                             and scientific coordinator of the International Joint
                      We believe in the power of science, and that it   Laboratory i‑C2MC (Complex Matrices Molecular
                    will get us through this pandemic. We have been en‑  Characterization), and Dr. Marco Piparo, the GC lab
                    gaging in various activities to support everyone who   manager at Total, discuss their research and partner‑
                    fights against COVID‑19. On April 20, 2020, we re‑  ship with Shimadzu. An application report from this
                    leased the “2019 Novel Coronavirus Detection Kit”   project, “Reliable Sulphur Detection in Petrochemi‑
                    in Japan. (This kit is Research Use Only and only avail‑  stry”, follows the interview.
                    able in Japan.) On September 8, 2020, we obtained   In addition to the interviews, we highlight
                    approval from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor   three applications. The first one introduces a new
                    and Welfare for the marketing of the “Ampdirect   analytical method for analysis of fuel as an alter‑
                    2019‑nCoV Detection Kit” for in vitro diagnostics in   native  to  the FIA method. The second showcases
                    Japan.  In addition, we released the Automated PCR   an analysis of sulfur in fuels by Energy‑Dispersive
                    test system, on November 2020 in Japan. We will   X‑ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Lastly, we intro‑
                    continue to make every effort to combat this crisis,   duce the use of Frequency‑Modulation Atomic Force
                    applying the full capabilities of the Shimadzu Group.  Microscopes for analysis of lubricants.
                      Despite the issues caused by COVID‑19, we have   The HPI market, encompassing petroleum refin‑
                    continued to develop new applications to support   ing, gas processing, petrochemicals and chemicals, is
                    activities in a range of markets. In this issue, we high‑  a foundational field. With a wide range of products,
                    light recent trends, the utilization of Shimadzu prod‑  from GC and elemental analyzers to an on‑line water
                    ucts, and new applications in the Hydrocarbon   quality analyzer, Shimadzu offers total support for all
                    Processing Industry (HPI).                customers in the HPI market. We hope that this jour‑
                      We start with two interviews in which users intro‑  nal will be a great help for all of you. Your generous
                    duce the GC‑SCD and their relationship with   feedback is always appreciated.
                    Shimadzu. The first is with Dr. Pan Yi, the deputy
                                                                                        Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.8  Issue2 44
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