Page 5 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 5


                   Interview 1  Interview with Dr. Pan Yi
                 “We all share

                    the same working

                    concept and goals”

                       Main research content of NIMTT
                                                                                           secondary legal entity di-
                       The National Institute of Measurement and Testing                  rectly under NIMTT, special-
                       Technology (NIMTT), as a comprehensive national re-              izes in the research of chemical
                       search institute integrating legal metrological technol-  testing technologies and metrological standards (ref-
                       ogy institution, third-party calibration and inspection   erence materials), metrological verification/calibration
                       agency, testing technology and standard research insti-  and  product  inspection,  and  undertakes the quantity
                       tution, mainly carries out the research of national me-  value transmission of instruments, metrology testing arbi-
                       trological primary standards, metrological verification   tration, product prototype testing and type evaluation in
                       and calibration, prod-                                                  the national chemical
                       uct inspection and                                                      field.  As a secretariat
                       testing as well as en-                                                  unit, NIMTT has es-
                       gineering testing and                                                   tablished the Natio nal
                       evaluation.  NIMTT                                                      Technical  Commi ttee
                       has established and                                                     for   Stan dardization

                          NIMTT is a research institute representing China which develops and supplies standard substances, and it has a laboratory which cooperates with Shimadzu.

                       preserved 38 national primary standard devices, 286 na-  of  Testing Equipment for Operation Safety Technology
                       tional metrology standards and more than 200 national   of Power-Driven Vehicles (SAC/TC364), National Tech-
                       reference materials involving chemical component mea-  nical  Committee for Standardization of Biochemical
                       surement. It is the main technical institution participat-  Detection (SAC/TC387) as well as Hydrogen Energy and
                       ing in the construction of the national important physical   Fuel Cell Analytical Method Work Group of Sub-
                       quantity and national standard substance resource shar-  committee 1 on National Technical Committee 206 on
                       ing service platforms, an important part of national   Gases (SAC/TC206/SC1/WG1), been committed to the
                       quantity value transmission and traceability system, and   standardization in the field of gas analysis and testing,
                       a key contributor to ensuring the accuracy and unifor-  presided over and participated in drafting a number of
                       mity of national quantity values.              national standards on gas analysis and related national
                                    The Institute of Chemistry, National   standards on the environmental field and natural gas
                                        Institute of  Measurement  and   field, and participated in the technology transfer of ISO/
                                          Testing Technology (Institute   TC158 Analysis of gases and the drafting of interna-
                                          of Chemistry, NIMTT), as the   tional standards.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.8  Issue2 47
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