Page 8 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 8

“We all share the same working concept and goals”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr. Pan

                                        early  stage.  With  the  opportu-  Gas Analysis Techni cal
                                       nity of the establishment of the   Committee (SAC/
                       united laboratory, NIMTT will, through the joint efforts,   TC206/SC1/WG1),
                       build the laboratory into a R&D base for tackling prob-  deputy director of
                       lems in key technologies in the field of gas analysis and   Sichuan Analysis
                       testing, into a demonstration application base for incu-  and Testing Society
                       bation and transformation of gas analysis and testing   Spectral  Analysis
                       results and into a public technology service platform for   Com mittee, and the
                       technology integration and technology ra diation in this   accreditation assessor

                       field to make newer and greater contribu tions to pro-  of China Nation al Acc-
                       moting the scientific and technological progress and   redi tation Ser vice for Con-
                       career development in the field of gas analysis.   formity Assess ment. Having been
                       Meanwhile, the research results of the united laboratory   engaged in the research of chemical reference materials
                       can be directly applied to the ambient air monitoring   prepa ration technology and gas analysis methods; He
                       and chemical production, which will help improve the   has been responsible for the preparation of more than
                       quality of environmental monitoring data and the pro-  20 national reference  materials (including 6 kinds of
                       duction  technology level  of gas  chemical  industry  in   national first-class gas ref erence materials) and partici-
                       China and promote industry transformation and up-  pated in the development of more than 100 national
                       grading. The united laboratory will focus on the gas   reference materials. He presided over and par-
                       analysis technology of frontier in-                    ticipated  in  the  prepara tion  and  revision
                       dustries, such as hydrogen fuel                         of more than 10 gas analysis-related natio-
                       quality analysis. Relevant re-                          nal standards, such as GB/T 38677-2020
                       search results will strongly sup-                       “Gas Anal ysis-Mea surement Process and
                       port the rapid development of                           Results-Technical Require ments for Cali bra-
                       hydrogen energy industry in                            tion” and GB/T 33318-2016 “Gas Analysis-
                       China, which may help improve                   Determina tion of Sulfide-Gas Chroma tography with
                       the quality level of hydrogen energy products  and   Sulfur Chemilumi nescence”. His related research has
                       occupy the upper reaches of the industrial chain.  been funded by more than 10 national, provincial and
                         We hope that Shimadzu can cooperate closely with   ministerial-level scientific research projects. He presided
                       us, actively participate in the research work of the labo-  over the 2018 Sichuan Major Scientific In struments and
                       ratory, and jointly develop more excellent analysis and   Equipment special project “Development and App-
                       testing solutions in line with the urgent need for indus-  lication of Online Chromatograph on Natural Gas
                       trial development.                             Energy Measurement“; The project “Research and
                                                                      Application of New Technology for Micro-trace Multi-
                       About the author (in particular, papers or     component Gas Reference Materi als Preparation” won
                       academic publications)                         the first prize of 2019 Chinese Society for Measurement
                       Pan Yi, master and associate researcher, is the deputy   Science and Technology Progress Award, and the main
                       director of Chemistry Research Division, National Insti-  projects such as “Key Technology for Detection and
                       tute of Measurement and Testing Technology, deputy   Traceability of Environmental Micro-Trace Odor Sulfide
                       secretary general of Subcommittee 1 on Na tional Tech-  Gas” and “The Development of Hydrogen Sulfide in
                       nical Committee 206 on Gas of Standard iza tion Admin-  Nitrogen Gas Reference Material at 1 μmol·mol-1 Level”
                       is tration of China Gas Analysis Technical (SAC/TC206/  won first prize and third prizes respectively; In the past 5
                       SC1), Head of Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Analyti cal   years, he has published more than 10 academic papers,
                       Method Work Group of National Technical Commit tee   including 5 SCI retrieval papers, and obtained 3 state-au-
                       206 on Gas of Stan dardization Admin istration of China   thorized patents.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.8  Issue2 50
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