Page 6 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 6

“We all share the same working concept and goals”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr. Pan

                         The Institute of Chemistry, NIMTT,
                       relying on the strong scientific research
                       ability and excellent scientific research
                       team, has made fruitful achievements
                       in scientific research on “national
                       chemical reference materials” close to
                       the technical issues of testing and stan-
                       dards urgently needed by the industry.
                       In particularly, its research achieve-
                       ments in trace multi-component VOCs
                       and sulfide gas reference materials
                       have reached the international ad-
                       vanced level and the products are fully
                       self-made, ensuring the quality safety
                       and traceability of the testing data of
                       relevant  components.  Meanwhile,  Nexis GC-2030 and SCD-2030 installed in the Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Analytical Method
                                                        Work Group lab
                       NIMTT also provides professional cus-
                       tomized technology services according
                       to the requirements of the enterprises and public     analytical instrument verification regulations or cali-
                       institutions in the fields of environ mental monitoring,   bration specifications in urgent need.
                       petrochemical engineering, public security, fair trade
                       and instrument R&D. NIMTT has established the key     Reasons for NIMTT to choose Shimadzu
                                                                      as the partner
                       laboratory for natural gas quality control and energy
                       measurement of CNPC jointly with China National   First, we all share the same working concept and goals.
                       Petro leum Research Insti tute to prompt the natural gas   Shimadzu, since its establishment in 1875, has al ways
                       quality control and energy measurement in China;   adhered to the corporate philosophy “Contrib uting to
                       closely cooperated with CRAES and CNEMC to provide   Society through Science and Technol ogy”, continued
                       technical support of analysis and testing for environ-  study the science and technology leading the times and
                       mental monitoring in China.                    meeting so cial needs, devel oped and produced prod-
                                                                      ucts with high added value for the society. NIMTT, as a
                       Application of Shimadzu instruments            comprehensive nation al institute of testing tech nology,
                       in your work                                   is also com mitted to the development and establish-
                       At present, the analytical instruments of Shimadzu are   ment of the most of chromatography, mass spectrome-
                       mainly used in the daily work of NIMTT in the follow-  try and spectroscopy of Shimadzu. It may establish the
                       ing aspects:                                   world’s  advanced  integrated  solutions  of  gas  sample
                                                                      analy sis for the industries such as environmental moni-
                       (1) Quality control of reference materials and development   toring and petroleum gas chemical industry in China to
                         of analytical methods for scientific research projects.   solve the key testing technological problems urgently
                       (2) Validation of national standards for gas analysis (pro-  needed for the development of these industries.
                         vide validation and application demonstration for
                         the development and revision of the national stan-  Contributions of Shimadzu GC-SCD to NIMTT
                         dards for gas analytical methods in the industries of   GC-SCD method is widely used in industrial gas, hy-
                         industrial gas, ambient air, hydrogen energy, natural   drogen energy, coal chemical industry, natural gas and
                         gas and coal chemical);                      other related industries. It is mainly used  for the
                       (3)  Development and revision of national or local   analysis  of trace sulfur forms and total sulfur content

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