Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue3
P. 15


            Fig. 1 shows the SEC chromatogram of poly (MMA-b-n-BMA). The   of 142 between adjacent peaks, a distribution indicating the
            main peak was collected every 6 seconds from the start to the end   existence of the PnBMA homopolymer. On the other hand, the
            of elution (8 min 20 sec to 13 min 20 sec) using the AccuSpot, and   peaks indicated by       in the molecular weight distribution with
            50 sample spots were created on the MALDI sample plate. Each   m/z 1800 at the top show an interval of 100 between adjacent
            spot was measured using the MALDITOFMS instrument, and the   peaks, indicating the existence of the PMMA homopolymer. The
            mass spectra corresponding to the elution times were obtained   above results clearly show that the PnBMA and PMMA
            (Fig. 2). The mass spectra obtained from the fractions each show a   homopolymers are present as minor constituents in the poly
            different molecular weight distribution. Focusing on the fraction   (MMA-b-n-BMA) sample used here. The detection of these minor
            after 11 min 18 sec, two different types of molecular weight   components included in the synthetic polymer demonstrates that
            distribution were detected that had not been seen before   this SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA System achieves higher time resolution
            separation (Fig. 3). The peaks indicated by      in the molecular   of eluted constituents than the manual SEC/MALDI-TOFMS
            weight distribution with m/z 1200 at the top show an interval  technique previously (Fig. 4).


                                     (C-CH2) n                                  After 11 min 18 sec
                                      COO (CH2)3CH3           CH3
                                     PnBMA homopolymer
                                                   100       PMMA homopolymer

                       1000         1500          2000         2500          3000         3500
                                           Fig. 3  Detection of Homopolymer Components

                                                  Spotter for MALDI plate
                  Prominence                            AccuSpot                          AXIMA  Performance


                                                                        MALDI plate
                                    Plate sensor
                                                                            MALDI plate
                                              Before spotting  Spotting  After spotting

                                                    Fig. 4  SEC-MALDI System

             This Application News has been produced and edited using information that was available when the data was acquired for each article.
             This Application News is subject to revision without prior notice.

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