Page 18 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue3
P. 18


                Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) signs MoU with NERI,
                sets up NUS-Shimadzu Advanced Facility
                for Ecoanalytics (NUSAFE)

            Singapore-based Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) and National
            University of Singapore Environmental Research Institute
            (NERI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
            to establish a joint facility to conduct environmental
            analytical research. The facility will be called NUS-Shimadzu
            Advanced Facility for Ecoanalytics or NUSAFE.

            Singapore, 2 June 2014 – The National University of   leader in analytical instruments impresses upon us the
            Singapore (NUS) Environmental Research Institute (NERI)   responsibility to provide the best infrastructure to the
            and Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, a global leader in   scientific community. The signing of this MoU has once
            the manufacturing of analytical instruments, testing   again reiterated our commitment towards research in
            instruments, precision instruments, measuring      accordance with our Corporate Philosophy of
            instruments and medical equipment, are collaborating   “Contributing to Society Through Science and
            to conduct research on environmental contaminants.  Technology.“ Excellence in Science is not just our motto;
                                                               it is also a way of life for us at  Shimadzu and we try to
            To mark this partnership, Mr Yasuo Miura, Director,
                                                               assimilate this value in this MoU.”
            Shimadzu Corporation, and Professor Ong Choon Nam,
            Director, NERI, signed a Memorandum of Understanding   Mr Prem Anand, Senior General Manager, Shimadzu
            (MoU) on 2 June 2014. The collaboration will enable the   (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, said, “We are elated to join hands
            two organisations to mutually benefit from each other’s   with NERI in setting up the state-of-the-art
            substantial expertise in the environmental sciences. A   NUS-Shimadzu Advanced Facility for Ecoanalytics
            joint facility called the NUS-Shimadzu Advanced Facility   (NUSAFE). The signing of this MoU will further enhance
            for Ecoanalytics (NUSAFE) will also be established as   the capabilities of NUS-NERI, which is already well
            part of the agreement.                             equipped with several advanced Shimadzu instruments.
                                                               Investing in NUSAFE is a long-term and sustainable
            Shimadzu will contribute instruments, such as a Mass
                                                               investment for Shimadzu. As a global leader in
            Spectrometric (MS) system that can be used for
                                                               analytical instruments, we feel that it is among our
            microorganism analysis and identification, a Total
                                                               foremost Corporate Social Responsibility to aid
            Organic Carbon (TOC) analyser, and a Triple-Quadrupole
                                                               researchers and equip them with the latest technology,
            Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GCMS-TQ),
                                                               such as Ultra Fast Mass Spectrometry (UFMS)."
            used for trace analysis of environmental contaminants,
            during the initial phase. These instruments allow for   Professor Ong Choon Nam, Director of NUS
            quick identification and quantitation of volatile   Environmental Research Institute (NERI), said, “NERI is
            metabolites and microorganisms in various          very pleased to have Shimadzu, one of the world’s
            environmental samples, which is key in investigating   leaders in analytical instruments, as one of our research
            and understanding the relationship between these   partners. The establishment of this joint facility,
            metabolites, microorganisms and the environment.   NUSAFE, will further enhance our laboratory’s analytical
                                                               capability and advance our environmental research. The
            Additionally, NERI and Shimadzu will develop and apply
            fully automated and solvent-minimised sample       partnership will also foster stronger ties and facilitate
            preparation procedures that have been integrated with   exchange of knowledge and research findings between
            mass spectrometry for water quality monitoring. This   academia and industry to enable both parties to stay
            analytical platform can be operated on site with   competitive and relevant in their respective fields.”
            minimal human intervention.
            Mr Kiminobu Imura, Managing Director, Shimadzu (Asia
            Pacific) Pte Ltd, said, “It is a pleasure for a global
            organisation like Shimadzu to collaborate with a
            world-renowned institute like NERI. Being a global

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