Page 14 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue3
P. 14


                Analysis of Minor Components in Synthetic

                Polymers Using SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA System

            MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is widely used as a technique for   reagents and directly load them onto the MALDI sample plate. As
            the characterization of synthetic polymers. However, when   a result, an automated analytical SEC-MALDI analysis system was
            multiple components are present in samples, major components   constructed that can rapidly simplify all the processing from LC
            may suppress ionization of the trace components present,   separation to MALDI-TOFMS measurement. Here, using a
            preventing their detection. Size exclusion chromatography, (SEC) is   copolymer - poly (methylmethacrylateb-n-butylmethacrylate) (poly
            a chromatographic method that can be used to prevent this   (MMA-b-n-BMA)) -a sample with a complicated composition, we
            adverse result by separating the components into fractions   present an example of detection of a homopolymer present at
            beforehand. However, off-line SEC/MALDI MS involves fraction   trace levels in the sample. The size exclusion chromatography
            collection, evaporation, pipetting, etc. and is laborious and time   (SEC) mode was used for the separation, and a micro-scale
            consuming, so direct deposition methods in which SEC fractions   separation column was used to load all of the components onto
            and MALDI matrix are directly deposited onto the MALDI target   the MALDI sample plate without any waste. The AccuSpot body is
            are preferred.  Shimadzu has developed the AccuSpot automated   constructed with enhanced resistance to many organic solvents
            spotter to mix the eluate from the LC with the various   used in the field of synthetic polymers.

                                                                         Table 1 Analytical Conditions
                                                         • SEC      Column        : Shodex GF310A-1E (1.0 mmI.D.× 250 mm)
                                                                    Flow Rate     : 10  L/min, Eluent : THF
                                                                    Detector      :UV (λ=220 nm), Injection volume : 1  L
                                                         • AccuSpot  Spot Interval  : 6 sec, Loadage : 1  L/well
                                                                    Loadage  (mixture of
                                 Fraction start   Fraction end      matrix and cationizing
                                 8 min 20 sec  13 min 20
                                                                    reagent)      : 0.2  L/well
                                                         • MALDI-TOFMS Matrix     : Dithranol-20 mg/mL- THF
                                                                    Cationizing Reagent : Na-TFA-10 mg/mL -THF
                                                         THF : Tetrahydrofuran,  TFA : Trifluoroacetic acid
              Fig. 1   SEC Chromatogram of Poly (MMA-b-n-BMA)


                                                                                        After 9 min 48 sec
                                                                                        After 10 min 18 sec

                                                                                        After 10 min 42 sec
                                                                                        After 10 min 54 sec

                                                                                        After 11 min 06 sec
                                                                                        After 11 min 18 sec

                                                                                        After 11 min 30 sec
                                                                                        After 11 min 42 sec

                                                                                        After 11 min 54 sec
                               1000      2000      3000      4000     5000      6000
                                               Fig. 2   MS Spectra of SEC-Separated Fractions

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