Page 13 - Shimadzu Xslicer SMX-1010
P. 13

A Wealth of Functions for

 Facilitating Inspections

 Teaching Function  Inclined Fluoroscopy Function

 Fluoroscopic and CT imaging can be automated using the Teaching Function, which moves the sample stage to preregistered   The flat panel detector can be tilted up to 60 degrees. Since the detector tilts, the sample does not need to be fixed. Inclined
 points of interest.   fluoroscopy ensures that the specified sites are particularly easy to see.
 Additionally, for visual inspection, OK and NG judgment functions are included.

                                    Detector not tilted                      Detector tilted 60 degrees
 Shortened Source-Detector Distance (SDD) Function

               Set Tracking Points Easily
 The distance from the X-ray generator to the X-ray detector (SDD) can be switched to 185 mm (The standard distance is 370 mm)
 By shortening the SDD, images with sufficient penetration can be obtained even for samples that are hard to penetrate.
               If a tracking point is set, the observation position of interest when tilted and rotated never leaves the center of the window.
               As a result, the point of interest is never lost.
 Flat panel detector  To set a tracking point, simply tilt the detector and double click the position of interest.

 Flat panel detector                                                       Y-axis

 Standard SDD

 Short SDD

                                                                                       Tracking Point
                                                                                       Settings Value

 X-ray generator  X-ray generator

                                 Tracking ON                                Tracking OFF
                                                                   (It moves as the point of interest tilts.)
 SDD:370mm  SDD:185mm

                                                                                  Xslicer SMX-1010/1020
 12                                                                                             Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System  13
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