Page 10 - Shimadzu Xslicer SMX-1010
P. 10

Image Measurement Functions

                     Ball Grid Array (BGA) Measurements                                                                                 Wire Sweep Ratio Measurements                         Point of Maximum Curvature

                     BGA bump diameters and void ratios can be measured.                                                                The wire sweep ratio can be measured by specifying both ends   L2
                     With our proprietary image processing algorithm, complicated parameter settings are                                of the bonding wire and the point of maximum curvature.     L1
                     unnecessary.*                                                                                                      Pass/fail determinations can be made depending on the wire
                     Multiple settings can be saved and applicable ones can be accessed for each inspection target                      sweep ratio.                                          Wire Sweep Ratio =
                     prior to measurement.                                                                                                                                                    L2/L1 × 100 (%)
                     * Manual adjustments may be required depending on the sample.

                                                                                              (Measurable Items)
                                                                                              • Total void ratio
                                                                                              • Maximum void ratio
                                                                                              • Bump diameter
                                                                                              • Bump roundness

                     Area Ratio Measurements
                                                                                                                                        Dimension Measurements
                     Die bonds, solder paste wettability, and other area ratios can be measured.
                     The parameter settings are not required thanks to Shimadzu's proprietary image processing
                     algorithm.*                                                                                                        The Xslicer SMX-1010/1020 supports both 2-point distance and 3-point measurements.
                     It is also possible to save multiple settings, and then call up the applicable settings for each                   With this system, sizes are measured efficiently by calculating calibration data internally in
                     inspection target prior to measurement. Furthermore, pass/fail determinations can be made                          synchronization with the fluoroscopic magnification.
                     based on the area ratio.
                     * Manual adjustments may be required depending on the sample.
                     * The measurement range (ROI) can be configured manually.


                                                                                                  Static Image

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Xslicer SMX-1010/1020
        10                                                                                                                                                                                                                Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System  11
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