Page 7 - Shimadzu Xslicer SMX-1010
P. 7

Simple Operation

 Simple UI and Easy Positioning Operations  Example of Continuous Inspections Using the Step Feed Function

 A large monitor screen and simple button layout provide excellent visibility for intuitive operability. X-ray inspections can be   Inspection times were compared for consecutive X-ray inspections of 25 samples using the step feed function on the previous
 performed easily, even by operators using the system for the first time.  SMX-1000 Plus and the SMX-1020. Inspection times are approximately 40 % shorter in comparison to the SMX-1000 Plus.
               Additionally, X-ray emission times are reduced by at least 35 %, which also reduces running costs. The time reduction ratio
               increases as the number of samples increases.
 1  Stage Positioning via the Live X-ray Image
 Simply click on any point in an X-ray image to control all stage movements, such as changing the XY
 position, tilt, or field-of-view size.  Item         SMX-1000 Plus           Xslicer SMX-1020

                          Exterior Image Acquisition     00:22                   00:04

                        Movement to the Start Position   00:12                   00:04

                            25-Sample Step Feed          03:28                   02:17

                          Movement to the Sample
                           Replacement Position          00:09                   00:07

                                 Total                  04:11                    02:32

                                                         Approx. 40 % less time

               Samples arranged at fixed intervals can
               be observed consecutively. The starting
               position, movement amount, and number
               of  movements can  be  specified.  During
               implementation, consecutive movements
               and observations are made in accordance
 2  Using Exterior Images for Stage Positioning     Positioning with a Mouse
               with the settings from the start position.
 An observation camera provides a top-down view of the entire   An observation camera provides a top-down view of the entire   After the inspection, a table of the pass/
 sample region. The user can alter the position of the sample using   sample region. The user can alter the position of the sample using   fail/hold results can be displayed.
 this top-down view. Just select a point of interest in the top-down   this top-down view. Just select a point of interest in the top-down
 view to accordingly move the stage. The image can be magnified   view to accordingly move the stage. The image can be magnified   Observation Direction: Horizontal  Observation Direction: Vertical
 to allow for fine positioning over individual components.  to allow for fine positioning over individual components.

               Inspections with the Xslicer SMX-1020 Take Half the Time of the
 Faster Detector Acquisition and Stage Movements  Xslicer SMX-1010

 The flat panel detector acquisition is 4× faster than the previous model, and the stage movement (XY direction) is 1.6× faster. In   The Xslicer SMX-1020 can inspect twice the horizontal area of the SMX-1010. The area in a single inspection is twice the size, so the
 addition to ordinary use, this contributes to faster tact times during consecutive inspections.  inspection takes about 1/2 the time. The time can be shortened even more in consecutive inspections of samples arranged on a pallet.
 Acquisition Speed: 62.5 ms/frame
 A c q u i s i ti on  S p e e d:  62 . 5  m s / f r am e
 FPD Acquisition Speed 4×  FPD
 Stage with Sample

 X-axis: 90 mm/sec c                                                                    Xslicer SMX-1010
 : 9
 0 m
                                                                                        imaging area
 Stage Movement Speed 1.6×
 Y-axis: 90 mm/sec
 Y-axis: 90 mm/sec
                                                                                        Xslicer SMX-1020
                                                                                        imaging area
                                                                                  Xslicer SMX-1010/1020
 6                                                                                              Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System  7
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