Page 15 - Shimadzu Xslicer SMX-1010
P. 15


 BGA           Mounting board         IC chip copper wire    USB

                     VR image               VR image               VR image         Dimension measurement
 Short  Open  Void
               Resin connector        GFRP                   QFP                    21700 lithium ion battery
 Mounting parts

                   Void analysis            VR image               VR image               VR image

 Solder wicking  Terminal  QFP solder wettability
               Available Options

 Wireless earphone
               Hardware Options

                Rotation/Inclination Unit    Main Specifications
               Adding the detachable rotation/   1. Weight of
               inclination unit enables X-ray       Mounting Grip : 20 g max.
               fluoroscopy of small parts from a
               number of directions, reducing   2. Rotation  : Continuous rotation
 Whole perspective image  Lithium ion battery  Speaker coil  omissions in inspections.  3. Tilt  : ±30°

 Aluminum die-cast  LED  Crystal oscillator  VCT Unit  Main Specifications
               See page 7      1. Size    : 50 mm × 100 mm circuit boards
                                            (with a thickness of 1 mm to 2 mm) max.
                                            Small Samples: φ30 mm × 25 mm max.
                               2. Weight  : 100 g max.

               Optional Software

 FET aluminum wire  Damaged power IC  Wire bonding  VGSTUDIO
               Three-Dimensional Image Processing Software
               This sof tware uses volume rendering ( VR) to display
               three-dimensional images from cross-sectional images
               obtained using X-ray CT imaging. It includes functionality
               for creating basic animation and simple measurements.

                                                                                  Xslicer SMX-1010/1020
 14                                                                                             Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System  15
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