Page 15 - Shimadzu SPM-Nanoa
P. 15

Wide Assortment of Expansion Functionality


               ˙ Contact Mode                                ˙ Dynamic Mode
               Surface shape is observed by                  Surface shape is observed
               scanning with the amount of                   by scanning with the
               cantilever bending kept                       amplitude of cantilever
               constant.                                     oscillation kept constant.

                Physical Properties

               ˙ Phase Mode                                  ˙ Lateral Force Mode (LFM)
               This mode observes the                        This mode observes the
               surface viscoelasticity                       horizontal forces (friction forces)
               distribution by detecting the                 by detecting cantilever torsion.
               phase shift delay in cantilever
               ˙ Force Modulation Mode                       ˙ Nano 3D Mapping  Fast   Optional
               This mode observes the                        This calculates the elastic
               distribution of viscosity and                 modulus, adsorption forces, or   Adsorption
               elasticity by separating the                  other properties of sample
               cantilever response into                      surfaces based on force curve
               amplitude and phase                           measurements and then
               components.                                   observe the distribution of
                                                             those values.

                Electromagnetivity (Optional)

               ˙ Current Mode                ˙ Surface Potential Mode (KPFM)  ˙ Magnetic Force Mode (MFM)
               Electrical properties of surfaces are   Surface electric potential is observed   Surface magnetic domain
               observed by detecting the current   by detecting the static electric force   distribution is observed by detecting
               flowing through the cantilever.  acting on the cantilever.    the magnetic force acting on the


                                                                                   N  S  N  S
               ˙ Piezoelectric Force Mode (PFM)              ˙ STM
               Surface polarity                              Surface shape is observed
               distribution is observed                      by scanning the metal
               by detecting the                              probe with the tunneling
               piezoelectric response                        current kept constant.
               to electrical signals.

                Machining (Optional)                          Atmospheric Control (Optional)

               ˙ Vector Scanning                             ˙ Observation in Liquid
               In this mode, surfaces can be                 Contact, dynamic,
               scanned based on user-specified                and phase modes
               scan settings, such as direction,             can be used in a
               speed, load, and applied                      liquid atmosphere.

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