Page 10 - Shimadzu SPM-Nanoa
P. 10

Application Software

                     Application software for a wide variety of samples, from soft to hard materials, can provide powerful
                     help for observing what you want to observe.

                                   Hard Materials                                Soft Materials

                          • Nanoparticles       • Nanofibers         • Plastics   • Rubbers   • Films
                          • Fillers   • Ceramics   • Metals         • Biological materials   • Composite materials

                             Life Sciences and Healthcare                          Electronics
                            • Lipid membranes      • Cells           • Battery materials
                            • Biological molecules   • Hair          • Semiconductors      • Recording media

                                            What do you want to observe?

                        • Shape              • Elastic modulus      • Magnetic force      • Surface potential
                        • Length/diameter    • Friction force       • Magnetic domain     • Static electric force
                        • Roughness          • Adhesion, adsorption,   • Magnetic distribution  • Current distribution
                        • Dispersion         and cohesion                                 • I-V characteristics
                                                                                          • Response of
                                                                                           piezoelectric materials

                         Surface Shape       Mechanical Properties  Magnetic Properties    Electrical Properties

                                            • Phase Mode                                 • Current Mode*
                        • Contact Mode      • Force Modulation Mode  • Magnetic Force Mode  • Surface Potential Mode
                        • Dynamic Mode      • Lateral Force Mode                          (KPFM)*
                                              (LFM)                 (MFM)*               • Piezoelectric Force Mode
                                            • Force Curve                                 (PFM)*
                                              (Viscoelasticity) Mode*                    • Tunneling Current (STM)*
                                                                                                        * Option
                     Hard Materials                                Life Sciences and Healthcare
                     ˙ Silica Nanoparticles                        ˙ Extracellular Vesicles

                                      3.00 µm × 3.00 µm                          0.50 µm × 0.50 µm
                     Observation of silica nanoparticles confirmed uniformity   The large particles shown in the center are extracellular
                     of nanoparticle sizes.                        vesicles. With the ability to not only observe shapes, but
                                                                   also evaluate mechanical properties, the system is
                                                                   expected to be useful for identification and Drug
                                                                   Delivery System (DDS) research for exosomes, liposomes,
                                                                   and typical polymer micellization pathogens, and other
                                                                   applications (using Nano 3D Mapping Fast).

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