Page 6 - Shimadzu SPM-Nanoa
P. 6

02       Extensive Functionality

                     Capture Sharp Images with All Modes from Optical to SPM Microscopy

                     Targets can be searched by an optical microscope, and magnified observation is facilitated by SPM.
                     Other physical property information can be obtained with the same field-of-view as the surface shape image.

                     Sample: SiO2 patterns on Si

                                                ⾢Optical microscope image

                                                                     ⾢SPM large-area image

                                                                 7.0 µm
                                              7.0 µm

                                                                                            Small Current

                                                                                                     Large Current

                                                               1.5 µm                                   1.5 µm

                                         1.5 µm                                    1.5 µm

                                      ˛SPM high-resolution image                 ˛SPM electric current image
                                                                                 (Overlay display of surface shape
                                                                                 image and electric current image)
                     Wide Variety of Observation Modes

                     Supports a wide variety of observation modes, from observing shapes to mapping physical properties based on force
                     curve measurements.
                     That means physical properties can be evaluated with high resolution.

                           Shape         Mechanical Properties     Electromagnetivity          Machining

                        Contact Mode           Phase Mode           Electric Current Mode*   Vector Scanning*
                                                                 Magnetic Force Mode (MFM)*
                        Dynamic Mode      Lateral Force Mode (LFM)
                                                                 Surface Potential Mode (KPFM)*
                                           Force Modulation Mode                          Atmospheric Control
                                                                 Piezoelectric Force Mode (PFM)*
                                           Nano 3D Mapping Fast*         STM*               Observation in Liquid*
                                                                                                       * Optional

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