Page 13 - Shimadzu SPM-Nanoa
P. 13

Visualization of Nano-Scale Elastic Modulus and Adsorption

               The elastic modulus can be evaluated quantitatively by applying a theoretical model for calculating elastic modulus to
               the force curve obtained by measuring the micro-forces acting between the probe and sample. The force distribution
               can also be visualized in the vertical direction for nano-scale three-dimensional mechanical analysis.
               ˙ Mapping the Physical Properties of Polymer Films

                      Surface Shape                  Elastic Modulus                  Adhesion
               Mapping polymer film surface properties clearly showed how elastic modulus and adhesive forces were distributed in
               patches several tens of nanometers in size.
               (Sample source: MORESCO Corporation)

               Mechanical Property Comparison of Different Samples

               ˙ Measuring the Shape of Contact Lenses

                      Surface Shape                   Deformation                     Adhesion
               Physical properties were mapped for two different types of contact lenses, made by different manufacturers,
               measured in an artificial tear solution. The map shows differences in surface properties of the two samples. The upper
               contact lens deforms more easily and exhibits uniform adsorption forces.

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