Page 11 - Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 Series
P. 11


               Many of the pharmaceuticals, food                 Analytical Results of Tablet
               products, and other products we        Oral Drug PDE  Max Permitted  Equivalent Tablet  Measureable   Additive Concen-  Recovery Rate
               encounter can contain harmful elements,   Class  Element  µg  Concentration * 1  Dose DL (3σ) * 2 Value in Tablet  tration in Tablet  %
                                                                 µg/g    µg/g    µg/g     µg/g
               either introduced from natural sources or   As  15  75   0.002    N.D.     0.2     101
               manufacturing processes. ICPMS-2030   Cd    5      25    0.003    N.D.     0.2      96
               are able to quickly measure harmful   Hg   30      150   0.006    N.D.     0.2     100
               elements with high sensitivity, making   Pb  5     25    0.001    0.003    0.2     105
               them ideal for monitoring such     Co      50      250   0.0006   N.D.     0.4     101
                                              2A  Ni     200     1000   0.003    0.156    0.4     101
               substances and ensuring the safety and   V  100    500   0.002    N.D.     0.4     100
               security of pharmaceuticals, foods, and
                                                  Ag     150      750   0.001    N.D.     0.1     107
               other products. Additionally, pharmaceuti-  Au  100  500  0.001   N.D.     0.2      91
               cals must satisfy the allowable limits   Ir  100   500   0.0005   N.D.     0.2      98
               speci ed by ICH Q3D guidelines, where   Os  100    500   0.007    N.D.     0.2      92
               the measurement methods used are   2B  Pd  100     500   0.006    N.D.     0.2     104
               speci ed in the pharmacopoeia of   Pt     100      500   0.003    N.D.     0.2      99
                                                  Se     150      750   0.01     N.D.     0.2      98
               respective countries. The system must   Rh  100    500   0.0008   0.003    0.2     101
               also be compliant with quality control   Ru  100   500   0.002    N.D.     0.2      98
               standards speci ed by the FDA and   Tl      8      40    0.0005   N.D.     0.2     103
               Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and   Ba  1400  7000  0.002   0.013    0.2      96
               Welfare.                           Cr    11000   55000   0.003    0.017    0.4     104
                                                  Cu     3000   15000   0.04     0.15     0.4     102
                                              3   Li     550     2750   0.01     N.D.     0.2      93
                                                  Mo     3000   15000   0.001    N.D.     0.2     107
                                                  Sb     1200    6000   0.0009   0.007    0.2      98
                                                  Sn     6000   30000   0.002    N.D.     0.2      98
                                             *1  Permitted concentration at 0.2 g daily intake (Used option 3 for converting concentration)
                                             *2  Limit of detection in solution (3σ) × dilution ratio (100)
                                             N.D.: Not Detected

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