Page 7 - Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 Series
P. 7

Obtain Reliable Results Quickly with

               the Diagnosis Assistant Function.

                 Diagnosis Assistant

               The Diagnosis Assistant automatically diagnoses spectral interference, based on data measured from all mass
               numbers. Even when using an already established method for routine analysis, the software analyzes data for any
               spectral interference to determine if a problem occurred.

                      Checking Data Conventionally             Checking Data Using Diagnosis Assistant

                  Check measurement results (all samples)       Check measurement results (all samples)
                     If only target elements are measured, then information about
                     other elements is not obtained, which means the presence of
                     interference cannot be determined.
                     When spectra are measured for both target elements and other   Diagnosis Assistant automatically checks
                     elements, then interference with target measurement elements   for any spectral interference based on
                     is con rmed just like it is for method development.
                                                                  data for all elements and all mass
                                                                 numbers measured from all samples.

                                                                  All Element and Mass Data

                     Check all samples for the above.

                                                                   If a problem occurs, it indicates
                                                                 the type of problem and the sample
                                                                    where the problem occurred.

                         Determine methods for                  Checking process completed        3 min
                        correcting any problems.                        in 3 minutes

                  Checking process completed        30 min
                         in 30 minutes

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