Page 4 - Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 Series
P. 4

Designed for High Stability and Low Running Costs

                     More Compact Vacuum System

                     The smaller three-stage split- ow turbomolecular
                     pump is especially easy to maintain, maximizing
                     up-time of the instrument.

                     Secondary Electron Multiplier

                     Tube Detector
                     The 9-digit dynamic range detector allows for
                     measuring major components and trace
                     components simultaneously with high

                     Lens System Minimizes

                     Located behind the newly developed collision
                     cell, the focusing lens improves ion
                     transmission ef ciency and elimination of
                     light emission from the plasma.
                     * Light emission removal is especially important when combining
                      with Laser Ablation systems.

                     Newly Developed Collision Cell

                     The newly developed collision cell achieves
                     superior sensitivity by providing highly
                     ef cient molecular ion removal and high
                     elemental ion transmission using only helium

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