Page 5 - Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 Series
P. 5

Newly Designed Interface                      High Stability and Flexibility
                                                             New High-Frequency Power Supply
               The newly designed interface allows for easy
               maintainability. All parts can be removed and
                                                             Shimadzu is the world’s  rst ICP manufacturer to
               installed without the need for tools, which
                                                             develop an all-solid-state high-frequency power
               helps minimize downtime associated with
                                                             supply. Due to Shimadzu’s extensive experience, this
               cleaning and servicing.
                                                             free-running type high-frequency power supply unit
                                                             offers the highest output stability.
                                                                        * As of February 2016, based on data obtained by Shimadzu

                                                                   High Stability and Low
                                                                   Running Costs

                                                                   Shimadzu’s Proprietary Mini-Torch Plasma
                                                                   Based on Shimadzu’s extensive experience
                                                                   developing ICP emission spectrometers,
                                                                   Shimadzu’s independently-developed
                                                                   mini-torch unit offers unrivaled performance
                                                                   and savings. One of the highest costs
                                                                   associated with ICP–MS systems is the large
                                                                   quantity of argon gas they consume.
                                                                   However, Shimadzu’s proprietary mini-torch
                                                                   plasma system consumes two-thirds the
                                                                   argon gas (11 L/min) as conventional plasma
                                                                   torches. Furthermore, during standby when
                                                                   Eco mode is active, the plasma gas  ow and
                                                                   power are reduced to 5 L/min and 0.5 kW to
                                                                   minimize the required gas and electricity;
                                                                   however, analysis can be started immediately
                                                                   with no loss of productivity.

                                                                  Easy-to-Maintain Sample
                                                                  Injection System

                                                                  Cyclone Chamber Cooled by a Peltier Element
                                                                  The sample injection system features an
                                                                  electronically-cooled cyclone chamber
                                                                  utilizing a highly ef cient coaxial nebulizer
                                                                  and unique over ow drain design. This
                                                                  design combines highly ef cient aerosol
                                                                  production while reducing carryover to
                                                                  maximize sensitivity and throughput.

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