Page 14 - Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 Series
P. 14


                                 Standard Set             For Organic Solvents   For Hydrofluoric Acid Resistance

                          Environmental water, effluent
                          water, water with dissolved                                 Solutions with residual
                          pharmaceutical or food            Organic solvents            hydrofluoric acid
                          substances, or other acid
                          decomposition solutions
                      of Samples
                          Mini Torch, 1.1            Torch                        Demountable Torch
                          (P/N 211-94446)            for Organic Solvents, ICPMS  for Hydrofluoric Acid
                          Shield Screen              (P/N 211-94021-41)           (P/N 211-94095-41)
                          (P/N 211-93819)            Bonnet for Organic Solvents  Shield Screen
                                                     (P/N 211-94047)              (P/N 211-93819)
                                                     Torch Adapter
                                                     for Organic Solvents
                                                     (P/N 211-93780-41)
                                                     Shield Screen for Organic Solvents
                                                     (P/N 211-93820)

                          Sampling Cone, Copper (P/N 211-90190-41)
                          Skimmer Cone, Copper (P/N 211-90200-41)
                          Cyclone Chamber                                         Cyclone Chamber
                          (P/N 211-93578)                   • Locking Screw, 0152  for Hydrofluoric Acid
                                                             (P/N 046-00093-92)
                          Torch Extension Pipe              • Seal, 0237          (P/N 211-93579)
                          (P/N 211-93728)                                         Torch Extension Pipe for HF
                                                             (P/N 046-00093-93)
                                                            Includes the above.   (P/N 211-94097)
                                                                                  Clamp, CW30014
                                                                                  (P/N 037-60091-03)
                          Nebulizer, 07UES                                        Nebulizer, PFA1S
                          (P/N 046-00092-21)                                      (P/N 046-00092-17)
                                                                                  • Suction Tube, NFTS-075
                                                                                   (P/N 046-00092-18)
                                                                                  • Connector, QSM
                          • Suction Tube, NFTS-075 (P/N 046-00092-18)              (P/N 046-00092-09)
                          • Connector, QSM (P/N 046-00092-09)                     • Tube adapter, 0735
                          • Tube adapter, 0735 (P/N 046-00092-10)                  (P/N 046-00092-10)
                          • Clamp, SNP-1 (P/N 037-6113-01)                        • Clamp, SNP-1
                          Includes the above.                                      (P/N 037-6113-01)
                                                                                  Includes the above.
                          Drain Trap, 8214           Drain Trap for               Hydrofluoric Acid
                          (P/N 046-00093-01)         Organic Solvents             Resistant Drain
                                                     (P/N 211-93814-01)           (P/N 046-00093-06)

                          Peristaltic Pump Tube      Peristaltic Pump Tube for    Peristaltic Pump Tube
                          (P/N 018-31558-44)         Organic Solvents             (P/N 018-31558-44)
                                                     The parts configuration differs depending on the
                                                     type of organic solvent. Please inquire about the
                      Pump Tubes

                          Nickel Sampling Cone       Organic Solvent System       HFS-5 Hydrofluoric Acid
                          (P/N 211-90190-42)         This system includes a Quadruple Torch for   Sample Injection System
                          Nickel Skimmer Cone        Organic Solvents, ICPMS, drain, and their   (P/N 211-93828-41)
                          (P/N 211-90200-42)         corresponding accessory parts.  This system includes a torch, chamber, extension
                                                     Please inquire about the type of organic solvent   tube, nebulizer, drain, and their corresponding
                                                     supporting this system.      accessory parts.

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