Page 21 - Shimadzu EDX-8100
P. 21

Screening Analysis Kits  (Option)

 Ideal for RoHS, ELV, and Halogen Screening   Automatic Measurement Time Reduction
 The optional screening analysis kits allow even beginners to start RoHS, halogen, or antimony screening analysis right from the day of purchase.   This function automatically switches to the next analysis channel if a   Concentration
 Simply mount the sample, select the analysis conditions, enter the sample name, and wait for the results. The analysis results are displayed with   controlled substance clearly has a high or low concentration, making
 a pass/fail evaluation after just a few minutes.   evaluation possible while measurement is underway. This achieves
                                                                        Above control standard
            more efficient screening analysis.

                   Clearly above the control standard, so measurement is cut off.
                   Gray zone. Measurement proceeds for the set time.   Standard value  Gray zone
                   Clearly below the control standard, so measurement is cut off.

                                                                                         Below control standard

            Screening Simple Setup Screen

            Threshold Values
            A threshold value can be set for each material and element. The screening
            evaluation method changes according to how the threshold values are set.
            Evaluation Character String
            Character strings can be set for display in the analysis results when the
            threshold value is not exceeded, in the gray zone, and when the threshold
            value is exceeded.
            Report Template
            Set the report style from among the templates supplied as standard.

                                                                        Simple Setup Screen of RoHS Screening Analysis Kit
 Analytical results window using the RoHS, Halogen and Antimony screening kit
            Three screening Analysis kits are available to suit different applications.

 Internal Calibration Curves and Automatic Calibration Curve Selection  RoHS Screening Analysis Kit
            Kit for screening cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, and
 Internal calibration curves  PE   bromine. Polyethylene samples containing these five elements
 Internal calibration curves are provided for many materials, making it   are supplied in the kit for instrument management.
 unnecessary to provide a large number of standard samples.   1.2   RoHS and Halogen Screening Analysis Kit
 Automatic calibration curve selection  1.0   PVC   In addition to cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, and bromine,
 The software automatically selects the best calibration curve for the material,   Measured intensity ratio  0.8   Aluminum  this kit also supports the screening of chlorine in plastics.
 freeing the user from the need to select analysis conditions.   0.6   Polyethylene samples containing these six elements are supplied
            in the kit for instrument management.
 As an incorrect calibration curve selection can result in large error in the   Steel
 quantitation results, this function contributes to improved data reliability.    0.4   Brass  RoHS, Halogen, and Antimony Screening Analysis Kit
 0.2        In addition to cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, and bromine,
 Shape correction   Solder
            this kit also supports the screening of chlorine and antimony in
 The fluorescent X-ray and scattered X-ray intensities are compared for each   0.0   20.0   40.0   60.0   80.0   100.0   plastics. Polyethylene samples containing these seven elements
 element (BG internal standard method) to eliminate the effects of the sample   Standard valueʢppmʣ  are supplied in the kit for instrument management.
 shape and thickness in the quantitation values.

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