Page 18 - Shimadzu EDX-8100
P. 18

Comprehensive Applications                                                                                                Sample Preparation

            Foreign Matter Material Evaluationɹ−Foreign Matter Adhering to Plastic Extruded Part−                                     Solid Samples
                                                                                                                                      • Large samples (> 13 mm dia.)  • Small samples (< 13 mm dia.)
            EDX permits non-destructive elemental testing, making it effective for the analysis of foreign matter adhering to or mixed in with foods, drugs,
            or products. Using the sample observation camera and collimators makes it easy to identify trace foreign matter.
            The 1 mm irradiation diameter is effective at reducing the effects of peripheral material, resulting in accurate quantitative matching. In the
            example, the material was identified as SUS316.
                                                       Fe Ka

                                                Ti Ka   Ti Kb   Cr Ka   Cr Ka Mn Kb   Fe Kb   Ni Ka   Ni Kb   Zn Ka   Zn Kb   Mo Ka   Simply mount in the instrument.   Cover the bottom of the cell  Cover with  lm.   Cover the measuring
                                                                                                                                                                     with  lm and add the sample.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              window with  lm and place
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the sample on it.
                                                                         Foreign matter                                               Pretreatment of metal samples
                                                                                                                                      To enhance the quantitation precision for metal
                                                                         Normal position
                                                                                                                                      samples or to eliminate the effects of
            Sample Appearance                        Overlaid Pro les of Foreign Matter (Red) and Normal Position (Blue)              contamination or oxidation on the sample
                                                                                                                                      surface, machine and polish the sample surface
            Red circle: foreign matter                                                                                                                               Machined and polished sample      Lathe
            Blue circle: normal position                                                                                              with a lathe and rotary polishing machine.

                                                                                                                                      Liquid Samples
                                                                                                                                      • Measurement in atmosphere or with helium purging            • Measurement in a vacuum
                                            Quantitative Analysis Results for Foreign
                                                  Matter by FP Method
                                           The titanium (Ti) and zinc (Zn) peripheral
                                           material around the foreign matter are   Matching Results
                                           eliminated from the quantitation calculations.    (Matching results in internal library.
                                                                             Substance identi ed as SUS316.)
                                                                                                                                                            If a small volume of sample results in inadequate thickness
            Food, Biological Samples, Plantsɹ−Mineral Composition of Algae, Small Samples−                                                                  (depth), use a Micro X-Cell.
                                                                                                                                                            (This also applies to powder samples.)
            EDX is used for the analysis of elements contained in foods and biological samples. It is effective for process control when adding elements to   Cover the bottom of the cell          Perform measurements on
                                                                                                                                      with  lm and add the sample.                                  sample dripped onto special
            foods, evaluating the poor growth of crops, and identifying the region or origin.                                                                                                        lter paper and dried.
            The new background FP function achieves similar quantitation results with low sample volumes as from adequate sample volumes. It is effective
            in research applications when only small samples are available and in eliminating discrepancies due to differences in sample pretreatment by
            operators.                                                                                                                Powder Samples
                                             Adequate volume  Low volume

                                                                                                                                                                                                Flat press heads

            Image of Sample (Adequate Volume)

                                                            Difference in Fluorescent X-Ray Intensity Due to Sample Volume            Cover the bottom of the cell  Press form the powder with a  Press machine
                                                                                                                                      with film and add the sample  press machine
                                                                                                                                      (loose powder method).   (briquette press method).
                                                                                    Adequate volume
            Image of Sample (Low Volume)                                            Low volume_background FP                          Pulverizing Samples                                Glass Bead Method
                                                                                    Low volume_conventional FP
            ʲCommentsʳ                      Quantitation value(wt%)                                                                   Pulverize samples with coarse particle sizes,      The glass bead method provides highly
                                                                                                                                      or samples subject to effects of
                                                                                                                                                                                         accurate analysis of oxide powders, such as
            With conventional FP, the changes in
             uorescent X-ray intensity due to the sample                                                                              non-uniformity of mineral particles on the         rock. The sample is glassified using a flux
            quantity and shape lead to quantitation                                                                                   analysis surface.             Pulverizing          such as Li2B4O7.
            errors. Background FP eliminates these                                                                                                                   container
            effects to achieve stable quantitation values.   Comparison of Quantitation Values by Background FP and Conventional FP Methods                          Automatic Pulverizer

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