Page 15 - Shimadzu EDX-8100
P. 15

Functions to Enhance Usability  Various Data Output Formats

 Easy Instrument Startup  Automatic X-ray Tube Aging  Report Creation Functions
 PCEDX Navi offers instrument initialization and startup (X-ray startup)   When an X-ray tube has not been used for a long period of time, it   Analysis data reports can be created in HTML or Excel format. A variety of templates is available.
 with simple mouse-click operations.   requires aging before it can be used again. The software automatically   The sample image automatically saved when measurement starts is pasted in the report for confirmation of the measurement position.
 After instrument startup, the stabilization function operates for 15   performs the appropriate aging according to the period of non-use.
 minutes. Analysis and instrument checks are disabled during this
 period, ensuring that all users collect data in a stable instrument

 Condition Password Protection   Incorporates General Analysis Software
 The software offers password protection. Condition settings   EDX-8100 incorporates PCEDX Pro software, which offers additional
                         RoHS Screening Report in Excel Format        General Analysis Report in HTML Format
 and changes can only be made by a person who enters the   functions. This software offers analysis, conditions settings, and data
                                                                                *Microsoft ®  Excel ®  must be purchased separately.
 password.   processing using familiar operations. It also allows loading of data
 profiles and quantitation values acquired with a previous Shimadzu
 EDX series instrument.
            List Creation Functions

            It also allows importing GC-MS text data by specifying a folder.

                                                    User-Definable List of Elements
                                                                                     *Microsoft ®  Excel ®  must be purchased separately.

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