Page 41 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 41


             Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer                                                  Product Information

                                                                                                   Evaluation of Plastic Materials

               Predicting the Structure of Polymer Additives
               Predicting the structure of unidentified components in structures or compounds is very important in the analysis of competitor
               products, identifying the cause of defects, and other applications. NMR and other techniques are available for predicting the   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               structure of organic substances. LCMS-IT-TOF, which enables accurate mass measurement and MS  analysis, is especially useful
               for applications such as predicting the structure of trace additives or impurities in polymers.

               Features of LCMS-IT-TOF Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers
               • This hybrid mass spectrometer is designed for structural analysis and offers the fastest mass spectra measurement performance
                available with high speed positive-negative polarity switching. This combination dramatically increases the amount of
                information that can be obtained from a single measurement. This provides structural analysis with higher throughput and   Raw Materials  Evaluation of
               • Dual-stage reflectron (DSR) and ballistic ion extraction (BIE) enable acquisition of high resolution and highly accurate MS  data,
                which allows accurate structural prediction of impurities.
               • Compressed ion injection (CII) efficiently delivers ions to the ion trap, enabling the structural analysis of even ultra trace impurities.
               • MS  measurements provide a powerful tool for determining impurity structures. Neutral loss surveys, composition prediction
                software, and MetID Solution software all aid in structural elucidation.                               Product Evaluation

                                     LCMS-IT-TOF Structure                              MetID Solution                 Product Information

                                              LCMS-IT-TOF Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

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