Page 42 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 42


        Product Information
     Evaluation of Plastic Materials

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  Analysis of Trace Components in Synthetic Polymers Using an SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA System
               SEC-MALDI-TOFMS systems provide a useful method of analyzing trace components in synthetic polymer samples by first using
               size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to fractionate samples by size and then using MALDI-TOFMS to measure molecular weight
               information from each fraction. Combining the organic solvent resistant Accuspot system with the AXIMA MALDI TOFMS
               integrates the entire process from separation by SEC to analysis by MALDI-TOFMS. Therefore, SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA systems
               provide a powerful tool for analyzing trace components.

               SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA System
    Evaluation of   Raw Materials  mixed together, the components can mutually inhibit ionization, which results in detection of only the primary components, leaving
               MALDI-TOFMS is widely used as a method for characterizing synthetic polymers. However, if multiple kinds of components are
               trace components undetected. The SEC-MALDI-TOFMS method can provide a useful way to avoid that problem by first separating
               multi-component samples into different fractions. In a typical SEC-MALDI-TOFMS workflow, mixing matrix and cationizing reagents
               with a large number of fractions for MALDI measurement followed by spotting the fractions onto a MALDI sample plate, is time-
               consuming and impractical. In contrast, using an SEC-AccuSpot system, which mixes matrix or other reagents with fractions from
               SEC and successively loads them onto MALDI sample plates, provides a fully integrated process of SEC fractionation and sample
               spotting for measurement by MALDI-TOFMS. Using the SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA system reduces the total analysis time to 1/4 the
               time required previously. Therefore, SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA systems provide a powerful tool for analyzing trace components.
     Product Evaluation  Prominence    Online          AccuSpot                        AXIMA Performance

     Product Information  SEC (microscale)                     MALDI plate                MALDI-TOFMS

                             Plate sensor                                   MALD plate

                                       Before spotting  Spotting  After spotting

                                                     SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA System

               Features of the Organic Solvent Resistant AccuSpot System
               ▪ The AccuSpot is an automatic spotting system that mixes matrix or other reagent
                with effluent from the LC unit and then successively spots the mixture onto MALDI
                sample plates.
               ▪ Installing an optional GPC compliance kit enables using organic solvents as a
                mobile phase. GPC Compliance Kit
                 • Flow line parts are changed from PEEK to stainless steel or PTFE-based materials.
                 • An exhaust fan draws any gases from residual organic solvents out of the
                   instrument and into the fume hood.
               ▪ The plate changer function enables continuous spotting of up to 9 MALDI plates.
               ▪ Computer interface enables central control of spotting parameters.
               ▪ Spotting monitor functionality is included standard
                                                                                   Before spotting  Spotting  After spotting
                 • The standard-equipped CCD camera allows monitoring of the actual spotting   AccuSpot
                   process via the control computer.

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