Page 37 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 37


                       Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer                                            Product Information

                                                                                                   Evaluation of Raw Materials

               Analysis of Plastic Samples by IG-1000 Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer

               Biological macromolecules, nanoparticles, and macromolecular nanoparticles made by combining such components are actively being
               developed in drug formulation and other fields. For such nano-sized particles, the particle size distribution is one of the most important   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               physical properties. The IG-1000 Single Nano Particle Analyzer utilizes the induced grating (IG) technology developed independently by
               Shimadzu for measuring the distribution of single-digit nanoparticles dispersed in liquid with high sensitivity and good reproducibility.

               Features of the IG-1000 Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer
               Measurement Range: 0.5 nm to 200 nm

               • Measures the distribution of single-digit size nanoparticles dispersed in liquid with                Raw Materials  Evaluation of
                 high sensitivity and reproducibility.
               • Accurately measures samples with broad size distributions.
               • Free from the tendency to overstate presence of large particles and not be able to
                 measure small particles.
               • Measurement results are unaffected by trace amounts of large particles outside the
                 measurement range (such as aggregates or contaminants).
               • Samples can be measured in normal environments, even without any careful
                 pretreatment (filtering) processes.
               • Allows using raw data (time course variations in intensity of diffracted light) to    IG-1000 Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer  Product Evaluation
                verify the validity of measurement results.

               Particle  diameters  are  determined  by  forming  a  diffraction                      a
               grating from the particles and then measuring diffusion speed.

               The particle diffraction grating is formed using dielectrophoresis.
               Samples are placed in a batch cell, then a comb-shaped electrode substrate is inserted   Quartz Glass  Platinum Comb-  Product Information
                                                                                              Shaped Electrodes
               into the cell. When an alternating current is applied to the comb-shaped electrodes,   Illustration of Electrode Substrates
               dielectrophoresis concentrates the particles dispersed throughout the liquid into a   Sample Suspension  Alternating Voltage
               particle diffraction grating pattern. When the alternating current is switched OFF, the   Batch Cell
               dielectrophoresis stops and the particle diffraction grating pattern begins diffusing.
               Diffusion  speed  is  determined  from  the  time  course  change  in
               primary diffracted light intensity.
               Primary diffracted light is detected by irradiating the particle diffraction grating with
               laser light. The primary diffracted light intensity decreases correspondingly as the   Diffraction Grating Formed from Particles
                                                                                        (pitch is twice the pitch of the
               particle diffraction grating diffuses. In this way, the diffusion speed of the particle   comb-shaped electrodes)
               diffraction  grating  is  monitored  based  on  the  change  in  primary  diffracted  light   Diffusion of Particle Concentration Diffraction Grating
               intensity as a function of time.

               In previous systems based on light scattering methods, which use light scattered
               from particles as the detected signal, the signal level drops rapidly as the particle size
               decreases. That makes it extremely difficult to measure single-digit nanoparticles. In   Laser Light
               contrast, the IG method uses the primary diffracted light from the macro structure of
               a particle diffraction grating as the detection signal. Therefore, the signal level is not
               dependent on particle size, making it possible to obtain more than adequate signal   Primary Diffracted Light
               even from single-digit nanoparticles, which in turn makes it possible to measure   Dielectrophoresis  Dielectrophoresis
               particle size distributions with high sensitivity and reproducibility.              (Diffused)
               Particle size is determined from the relationship between particle     Intensity of Diffracted Light
               size and diffusion speed.
               Large particles diffuse slowly and small particles, particularly single-digit nanoparticles,
               diffuse quickly. The IG method determines particle size from the relationship between   Time
               particle size and diffusion speed.

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