Page 6 - Material Characterizations
P. 6







          High Resolution Elemental Analysis

          How It Works
          An X-ray source irradiates a sample, which in turn emits fluorescent
          x-rays. The fluorescent X-rays are characteristic of the material. This
          information is used to identify an unknown sample. The intensity of the
          X-rays is indicative of the concentration of the material within a sample.
          If standards are available, a calibration curve can be developed to
          measure the concentration accurately. On the other hand, it is possible to
          use theoretical method to estimate the concentration, if a standard is not

          Unlike EDX spectrometers, WDX spectrometers use crystals to diffract the
          wavelengths of fluorescent X-rays before they reach detectors. As a
          result, the WDX  spectrometers typically have better resolution several
          times over EDX spectrometers.
          Major Advantages                 Areas of Application
          Unlike ICP analysis or AAS analysis   • Electrical & Magnetic Materials
          which requires meticulous sample   • Chemical industry
          pre-treatments, WDX analysis requires   • Petroleum & Coal Industry
          minimum or no sample pre-treatment.   • Ceramic, Building &
          For example, grinding a solid sample to      Construction Materials
          homogenize the compound. Quantitation   • Papers & Pulps
          is possible in the absence of a standard.   • Agriculture and Food Products
          This Is accomplished using theoretical   • Iron, Steel & Non-Ferrous Metals
          approximation.                   • Environment Pollutants                   MXF-2400

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