Page 5 - Material Characterizations
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Energy  EDX                                                                                                                                                                     Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer    EDX



 Fluorescence  EDX-7000/8000  EDX-7000/8000                            NEW                                                     No Experience Necessary

 Spectrometer                                                                                                                                  Perfect for Beginners

 EDX  One EDX over all others  Meet FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Requirements

       • Unique user authentication by ID/password, operation logging and screen locking.
 NO Liquid nitrogen required  √  Security Functions
 Key Features and Capabilities   √  Operation Log Output Functions
 • High performance Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
 • High sensitivity, high resolution & high speed  • Allows authorized personnel to output history of user operations or changes of system configuration
 • Sleek design with small footprint  setting as audit trail logs.
 • Solid, liquid, powder & thin film
 • Analysis in air, vacuum*, helium-purged* environment                                                                          NO Liquid nitrogen required
 • 12-sample turret* for solid & liquid samples  √  PDF Output Functions
 • New intuitive software for RoHS*, halogen*, antimony*,                                                                       Model specifically for
   tin* screening & general applications  Validation Functions
 • Minimum maintenance required  √                                                                                              RoHS/ELV screening
 • Coating thickness measurement  • Integrity-checking software is built-in to identify any tempering.
 • NO liquid nitrogen required
 Elemental Analysis                                                                                                            EDX-LE

   EDX Applications for Pharmaceutical Industry
 Measurement Range
 How It Works  • EDX-7000 11Na to 92U  • EDX was adopted as a general analytical method of USP from 1 May 2015.
 An  X-ray  source  irradiates  a  sample,  which  in  turn  emits  fluorescent   • EDX-8000 6C to 92U  • Described in USP<735> X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
 x-rays.  The  fluorescent  X-rays  are  characteristic  of  the  material.  This   • Main focus is analysis of impurity        Key Features and Capabilities
 information is used to identify an unknown sample.    • Advantages: No sample preparation, non-destructive analysis and few easy steps (as shown below)
                                                                                                                                • Solid, liquid, powder & thin film*
                                                                                                                                • Intuitive software for RoHS, halogen*, antimony*,
 The  intensity  of  the  X-rays  is  indicative  of  the  concentration  of  the
 material within a sample. If a standard is available, a calibration curve                                                        tin* screening & general applications*
 can be developed to measure the concentration accurately.                                                                      • Analysis in air environment
                                                                                                                                • Minimum maintenance required
 On  the  other  hand,  it  is  possible  to  estimate  the  concentration  using   NEW                                         • Coating thickness measurement*
 theoretical method in the absence of a standard.                                                                               • NO liquid nitrogen required

 Major Advantages  Areas of Application                                                                                         Measurement Range
 Unlike  ICP  analysis  or  AAS  analysis   • Electrical & Electronic Materials  Assemble Sample Cup  Pack Sample  Set Sample for Analysis  Select Program & Start  • EDX-LE 13AI to 92U
 which  requires  meticulous  sample     • Chemical industry
 pre-treatments,  EDX  analysis  requires   • Petroleum & Petrochemicals  Detection Limit of EDX  Unit : μg/g
 minimum  or  no  sample  pre-treatment.   • Building & Construction Materials
 Quantitation is possible in the absence   • Medical Supplies  Integration Time  Cr  Ni  As  Ru  Pd  Pt
 of a standard. This Is accomplished using   • Agriculture and Food Products  300sec  0.4  0.4  0.09  0.6  1.1  0.3
 theoretical approximation.   • Iron, Steel & Non-Ferrous Metals
 • Machinery & Automobiles  1,200sec  0.2      0.3        0.03        0.3        0.5        0.2
 • Environment  EDX-LE  * Optional Item
   It was calculated from standard deviation after 10 repeat measurements using cellulose blank sample.

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