Page 13 - Material Characterizations
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          A powerful tool capable of high resolution imaging
          and  high resolution analysis of chemical composition,
          chemical state and even crystalline structure. A far

          more superior instrument than scanning electron
          microscope with EDX (SEM + EDX).

          How It Works
          EPMA has an electron gun and a sophisticated optics system. By
          varying energy of electron beams, interactions between incident electron
          beam and sample produce signals. These signals are captured with
          appropriate  detectors to yield backscatter images and secondary
          electron images. With the presence of an optical microscope, optical
          images complement the information provided by electron images.

          Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDX) spectrometry is typically
          an integral part of EPMA. Instead of X-ray photons as the excitation
          energy as in the case of a standalone WDX system, EPMA uses electron
          beams to generate the effects. Additional analytical techniques such        EPMA-8050G
          as energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) fluorescence spectrometry and cathode-
          luminescence attachment can be added.

          Major Advantages              Areas of Application

          The superb WDX resolution is the   • Metal Industry
          source of EPMA advantages. It   • Machinery Manufacturing Industry
          enables wide range of elemental   • Ship-building Industry
          analysis and mapping, as well as   • Chemical Industry
          chemical state analysis. The latter is   • Aerospace Industry
          not possible in a SEM with EDX.    • Materials R&D Industry
                                        • Resources & Energy Industry
                                        • Semiconductor & Electronic Industry         EPMA-1720 Series

                                                                                                          Excellence in Science  17
                                                                                                            Excellence in Science  17
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