Page 13 - 1_Environmental analysis
P. 13

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in particle-containing

                                         samples - Cellulose test according to EN 1484

            Depending on their origin, different effluents      According  to  DIN  1484,  the  suitability  of  a
            can contain substantial amounts of insoluble        TOC measurement system for the analysis of
            solids.   These    include   clearly   visible      wastewater samples that contain solid matter
            components  that,  in  some  cases,  sediment       must be tested. This is carried out using the
            very quickly. This applies particularly to heavy    so-called  cellulose  test  (Appendix  C  of  the
            particles such as sand grains. Suspended            above-mentioned standard).
            solids  such  as  fibers  or  flakes  are  naturally
            less likely to sediment. However, they also         ■ Cellulose test according to DIN EN 1484
            cause a certain inhomogeneity of the sample         The  cellulose  test  is  based  on  an  aqueous
            matrix.                                             cellulose suspension with a carbon content of
                                                                100 mg/L. This corresponds to 225 mg
                                                                cellulose. The particle  size ranges from 20
                                                                µm to 100 µm. Homogenization may only be
                                                                carried out under stirring. Alternative methods
                                                                such as ultrasound can break up the particles
                                                                and thereby provide erroneous results. Large
                                                                particles in particular have a tendency
                                                                tosediment rapidly.

                                                                Stirring speed is critical for this reason. Very
                                                                slow stirring leads to increased particle
                                                                sedimentation. Extremely high stirring speeds
                                                                lead  to  inhomogeneous  particle  distribution
                                                                due  to  centrifugal  force.  DIN  38402  part  30,
                                                                dealing  with  sample  homogenization,  serves
                                                                in this context as an excellent reference.  A
                                                                solution should be stirred in such a way that
                                                                the vortex  will amount to 10% of the filling
            A variant  of TOC determination is the              level.
            detection of DOC, Dissolved Organic Carbon.
            The wastewater sample is filtered through a         For  three  consecutive  injections,  the  mean
            membrane filter with a 0.45 µm pore size and        value must lie within the range of 90 mg C/L
            subsequently measured. In contrast to DOC,          to 110 mg C/L (corresponding to a recovery
            TOC (Total Organic Carbon) determinations           of 90 – 110 %). The relative  standard
            must  detect  the  total  organic  carbon  in  a    deviation (RSD) may not exceed 10 %.
            sample, including the insoluble components.
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