Page 12 - 1_Environmental analysis
P. 12


            The suspension is homogenized for several           ■ Example of suspension determination
            minutes at a speed of 17,000 – 18,000 rpm
            using a dispersion unit. It is critically
            important to select a suitable  precision  tool.
            After homogenization, the suspension is
            transferred directly to autosampler vials.
            Critical for  subsequent measurement is the
            use of a magnetic stirrer in the autosampler
            to  ensure  that  the  suspension  remains
            homogeneous during sampling. After all, the
            small particles should not sediment, but
            remain  uniformly  distributed  throughout  the
            solution.  The  suspensions  can  now  be
            repeatedly injected and analyzed.                   NPOC-Method (Acidification is done by
                                                                creation of the suspension)
                                                                Sparge-time: 5 Minutes
                                                                Injection volume: 90µl
                                                                Multi-Injection is deactivated

                                                                ■ Statistic

                                                                 Peak-No    Areas      Result of       Result of
                                                                                      suspension     Sample TOC
                                                                                      TOC in mg/l        in %
                                                                    1       183,7        24,71           2,47
                                                                    2       180,9        24,23           2,42
                                                                    3       189,0        25,61           2,56
                                                                    4       183,8        24,72           2,47
                                                                    5       179,9        24,06           2,41
                                                                    6       179,9        24,06           2,41
                                                                    7       179,9        23,89           2,39
                                                                    8       186,9        25,25           2,53
                                                                    9       181,6        24,35           2,37
                                                                   10       177,6        23,67           2,37
                                                                   MW       182,2         24,5           2,45
            This method enables  not only automated             RSD in%      1,88         2,52           2,49
            solid sample analysis using an autosampler,
            but also parallel measurement of solid and
            liquid samples in the same sample table and         ■Recommended analyzer / Configuration
            the  same  sample  tray.  In  addition  to  speed,   TOC-L  CPN
            this  method  is  also  impressive  in  terms  of   ASI-L (40ml) with stirrer option and
            robustness.  The  possibility  of  multiple         external Sparge-Kit.
            injections  enables differentiation of small
            variations due to weighing and measuring.
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