Page 18 - 1_Environmental analysis
P. 18


            The module is fully integrated into the TOC-        Calibration of the IC is carried out in the same
            Control    software    which    automatically       way, for instance using sodium hydrogen
            calculates the TOC-content.                         carbonate.

            ■ NPOC determination                                ■ Detection limit
            For the NPOC  method, the sample is                 The  detection  limit  for  this  method  is  at
            acidified  in  order  for  the  CO 2  to  be  purged   0.1 mg C. For a soil sample weight of 1 g, a
            from    the    carbonates    and    hydrogen        theoretical detection limit of 0.01 wt.% TOC is
            carbonates. This  pretreated sample is then         obtained.
            used to determine the TC (and thus the
            NPOC).                                              ■ Example of a solid sample measurement
                                                                Sample type:  contaminated soil
            ■ Additives
            Large  amounts  of  earth-alkali  compounds         Sample weight: 1   Peak: 110 mg
            such as barium or calcium carbonate can be                           2   Peak: 190 mg
            difficult to determinate. Bicarbonate, for
            instance, needs temperatures up to 1200°C           Result:        1.) 4.04 % TC
            to be thermally decomposed.                                        2.) 4.08 % TC

            Small amounts of additives such as vanadium         Mean value:  4.06% TC
            (V) oxide or tungsten oxide are added to such
            samples. They act as  catalysts and ensure               1000
            complete determination.

            ■ Calibration                                            600
            Calibration  can be performed in different             Signal[mV]
            ways. Usually, the calibration is carried out in         300
            the solid  sample module using different
            sample weights of a solid with known carbon              0
            content, for instance glucose which contains             -100
            40% carbon. For the different sample weights                 0            5           10
            (in µg absolute carbon), the absolute amount                                        Zeit[min]
            of  carbon  is  plotted  on  the  X-axis  of  the         Abb.: Peaks for various sample weights.
            calibration graph.
                                Kal. Kurve
                                                                ■ Recommended instrument / equipment
                                                                TOC-L CXX
                                                                TOC-V WX
              Fläche  1000                                      SSM-5000A


                   0      4000    8000   12000       18101,6
                                  Abs C [ug]

                Abb.: TOC calibration in the SSM-5000A using
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