Page 67 - Clinical-Medical Solution for Clinical Chemistry
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            Application                  Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer

                                         15 Second Screening Analysis of Cyanide in Blood
                                         Serum Without Pretreatment
            No. C158

            Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend in     Analysis Sequence Without Pretreatment
            incidents of crime and poisoning involving various legal   Potassium cyanide was added to blood serum to obtain a
            drugs and toxic substances. The diversity in the types of   final concentration of 10 μg/mL and then taurine and
            used substances has lead to such incidents becoming a   naphthalene  dialdehyde  were added to perform
            social problem. In the fields of forensic medicine, forensic   derivatization.  The obtained cyanide derivative (Fig. 2)
            toxicology, and critical care, finding and identifying   was added to blood serum and used as the sample.
            causative agents is a problem that requires establishment
            of an analysis method that is both quick and highly   While complex pretreatment, such as that shown in Fig. 3,
            sensitive.  There is also growing demand in these   is required in conventional blood serum analysis, analysis
            workplaces to further simplify the complex pretreatment   that utilizes PESI can be performed using blood serum that
            processes and instrument operations as well as to increase   contains cyanide derivatives  either as-is or diluted with
            analysis speed. While various  analysis instruments have   water by injecting it onto a small (10 μL) sample plate and
            been utilized until now for analyzing specific components   setting the sample plate in the instrument.
            in blood, most instruments require complex pretreatment,
            such as extracting the target component  from blood.
            What is needed is a screening method that best reduces
            the time and labor required to perform analysis.
            Probe electrospray ionization (PESI) is a direct ionization
            technique that ionizes sampled target components by
            sampling samples using an ultrafine  and minimally
            invasive probe and applying high voltage to the probe tip.        Cyanide Derivative (MW 300)
            This technique enables sample analysis without the need
            for a chromatograph (Fig. 1).
            The DPiMS-2020, which combines PESI with a mass
            spectrometer,  is suitable for simple screening analysis
            because it enables quick analysis of target components in
            samples without pretreatment regardless  of whether
            samples are in liquid or solid form.
            This article introduces a rapid screening method for
            detecting cyanide in blood serum that does not require        Analysis Sequence Without Pretreatment
            pretreatment by utilizing the DPiMS-2020 and In-Source
                                                    T. Murata


                                                                                   Ion introduction unit (DL)

                                                                                  Small sample plate

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