Page 72 - Clinical-Medical Solution for Clinical Chemistry
P. 72
Quantitative Multi Target Screening (MTS) using liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with MS/MS library
based identi cation for forensic toxicology
Internal standards 30 antiepileptics,
10 deuterated antipsychotics,
compounds barbiturates
36 benzodiazepines
5 cannabinoids
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
Figure 1. MRM chromatograms for a panel of drugs extracted from whole blood using a QuEChERS
method corresponding to a concentration of 100 µg/L
Quantitative analysis
The scope of the method was to ensure robust 80-120% and precision <20% throughout the calibration
quantitation and a high level of con dence in the range.
reported result. Using a MRM method followed by three Using a pause time of 3msecs and a dwell time of 5msec,
product ion scans at different collision energies resulted the scan time was set to 50msecs (scanning from
in linear calibration curves over the concentration range 30-1000u). As a result of fast data scanning, the peak
of 5-500 µg/L (r2 >0.996 for all compounds). With regard sampling rate resulted in more than 20 data points across
to accuracy and precision; accuracy was between a peak.