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            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis of Steroids and NSAIDs Using the Shimadzu

                                         LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

            With  performance  enhancing  drug  use  considered   (NSAIDs) are drugs used to treat pain and inflammation
            contrary to fair play, along with the adverse effects they   as well as fever, and although they are not specified as
            may have on the health and social welfare of athletes,   prohibited drugs, their abuse by athletes is being
            sports doping testing is increasing and has been   viewed as a problem due to their side effects.
            conducted according to the provisions of WADA (World   Since  doping  tests  provide  information  for  making
            Anti-Doping Agency).                               critical  decisions  that  actually  affect  athletes’  lives,
            Drugs that are registered as prohibited substances   accuracy at the time of testing, as well fairness, are
            mainly fall into the categories of anabolic steroids (AAS)   necessary. In this Application News, we introduce an
            used primarily for building muscle strength, steroidal   accurate identification method for typical steroidal and
            anti-inflammatory drugs for their anti-inflammatory and   non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs using multiple
            immunosuppressive effects, and narcotic and designer   reference ion ratios, in addition to an example of high-
            drugs. Also, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs   sensitivity measurement.

            n MRM Analysis of Standards and Matrix-Matched
               Calibration Curves
            We conducted MRM measurement of a mixed standard   their respective LOQs. Table 1 shows minimum and
            solution consisting of 14 typical steroids and non-  maximum  concentrations  used  for  generating  the
            steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Fig. 1 shows the   respective calibration  curves. The lower limits of
            MRM chromatograms obtained using the mixed         quantitation ranged from 10 to 100 pg/mL (20 – 200 fg
            standard solution (each component at 50 ng/mL), and   on column), and excellent linearity was obtained over a
            Fig. 2  shows  MRM  chromatograms  obtained  from   wide range of more than 3 orders of magnitude for
            analysis of typical compounds at concentrations near   each substance.

                                                                            Table 1  Calibration Curve Min. /Max. Concentrations
               4500000     1          2                 8. Zeranol           Compounds         Conc.   Conc.
                                                        9. Ketoprofen
               4000000                   3  4          10. Testosterone      Clenbuterol       0.01     10
               3500000                         6  9    11. Clostebol         Prednisolone      0.05     20
                                                       12. Diclofenac
                                             5   8     13. Melengestrol acetate  Hydrocortisone acetate   0.1   50
               3000000                                 14. Closantel
                                                7                            Methylprednisolone  0.5    50
               2500000                             10  11                    Dexamethasone     0.5      50
               2000000                                                       Ћ , Ќ Trenbolone  0.1      50
                       1. Clenbuterol                    13
               1500000  2. Prednisolone                                      Zeranol           0.1      50
                       3. Hydrocortisone acetate                             Ketoprofen        0.05     50
               1000000  4. Methylprednisolone                      14        Testosterone      0.05     10
                       5. Dexamethasone
                500000  6. β-Trenbolone                                      Clostebol         0.05     50
                    0  7. α-Trenbolone                                       Diclofenac        0.01     50
                                                                             Melengestrol acetate   0.05   50
                       3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0  min  Closantel     0.01     10
                                                                                                     Unit: ng/mL
                           Fig. 1  Chromatograms of Steroids and NSAIDs
                        (×1,000)             (×1,000)             (×100)                (×100)
                        Clenbuterol      1.25  α-, β-Trenbolone    Melengestrol         Closantel
                    1.50  10 pg/mL       1.00  50 pg/mL        4.0  acetate          7.5  10 pg/mL
                                                                   50 pg/mL
                    1.00                 0.75                  3.0                   5.0
                    0.75                 0.50                  2.0
                    0.50                                       1.0                   2.5
                    0.25                 0.25
                    0.00                 0.00                  0.0                   0.0
                           3.0   3.5         7.5   8.0   8.5       9.5   10.0          11.5  12.0  12.5

                                      Fig. 2  MRM Chromatograms Near the LOQ of Typical Compounds
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