Page 6 - Clinical-Medical Solution for Clinical Chemistry
P. 6

Application  No.C123

                               Table 1  Results of Validation Test for Simultaneous Analysis of Antiepileptic Drugs
                                            QC samples concentration
                                    Range                              Accuracy (%)          % RSD (n=6)
                   Compounds                       (ng/mL)
                                            LLOQ   Medium  ULOQ   LLOQ   Medium  ULOQ   LLOQ   Medium  ULOQ
             Levetiracetam         10 - 750     10    100     750    94.6  106.1    99.2  3.42  1.23    1.98
             Felbamate             25 - 1000    25    250    1000    98.6  101.8    99.6  6.28  1.88    1.50
             Topiramate           500 - 10000  500  2500   10000  102.3     97.1  100.6  6.71   3.58    2.96
             Carbamazepine-10, 11-epoxide    5 - 1000     5    100    1000    92.9  107.8    99.3  7.48  3.32  1.41
             Carbamazepine         10 - 1000    10    100    1000    90.6  110.3    99.1  3.79  3.42    1.19
             Tiagabine             50 - 1000    50    250    1000    98.5  101.9    99.6  1.95  2.00    1.26
             Diazepam                5 - 1000     5    250    1000    98.1  102.4    99.5  4.61  1.50   1.53

                                          Table 2  Analytical Conditions for Antiepileptic Drugs
                            Column           : Inertsil ODS-4 (50 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 2 μm)
                            Mobile Phase     : A 10 mmol/L Ammonium acetate - Water
                                             : B Methanol
                            Flowrate         : 0.4 mL/min
                            Time Program     : B. Conc. 3 % (0 - 0.5 min) - 90 % (3.0 - 5.0 min) - 3 % (5.01 - 7.0 min)
                            Column Temperature   : 40 °C
                            Injection Volume   : 1 μL
                            Probe Voltage    : 4.5 kV / - 3.5 kV (ESI-positive / negative mode)
                            DL Temperature   : 150 °C
                            Block Heater Temperature : 400 °C
                            Nebulizing Gas Flow   : 3 L/min
                            Drying Gas Flow   : 10 L/min
                            MRM Transition   : Levetiracetam (+) m/z 171.15 > 126.10, Felbamate (+) m/z 239.20 > 117.00,
                                               Carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide (+) m/z 253.15 > 180.05,
                                               Carbamazepine (+) m/z 237.20 > 194.05, Tiagabine (+) m/z 376.25 > 111.05,
                                               Diazepam (+) m/z 285.15 > 153.95, Topiramate (-) m/z 338.10 > 78.00

            n System Validation for Antiarrhythmic Drugs Analysis
            TMD is used with a wide variety of drugs, and the   properties, and in particular very different hydrophilic
            physicochemical properties of these drugs differ   properties.
            individually.  Therefore,  confirming  whether  a  given   We chose the highly hydrophilic drug sotalol (partition
            series of standard operations, which includes the   coefficient: log P=2.6342) and the highly hydrophobic
            process steps, tools, instruments and equipment used in   drug amiodarone (log P=6.9326) and its active
            an analytical workflow, are appropriate for the target   metabolite N-desethylamiodarone were chosen, and
            drug is important for ensuring the analytical results   performed  simultaneous  analysis  using  the  fully
            obtained are valid. We introduce an example validation   automated sample preparation LC/MS/MS system
            of sample preparation and analysis operations using   (Fig. 4).
            antiarrhythmic drugs with very different physicochemical

                 (× 100,000)
                 Sotalol 273.10 > 133.00 (+)
              5.0  AMD 646.00 > 58.20 (+)
                 DEA 618.00 > 72.20 (+)
                                                      NH  O
              4.0                             HO     O  S          Amiodarone

                                                                       O       O   N
                                              N-Desethylamiodarone        O    I

              2.0                                 O        O   NH


                0.0      1.0      2.0      3.0      4.0     5.0      6.0      7.0      8.0      9.0     min

                       Fig. 4  Mass Chromatogram of Three Antiarrhythmic Drugs and Drug Metabolite in a Control Serum Sample
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11