Page 6 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 6

FDA Regulations on    Structural Analysis of Ultra-trace
       Genotoxic Impurities
          LCMS-IT-TOF ®

            ˙  The Structural Analysis of Ultra-trace Organic Impurities
              Using the LCMS-IT-TOF  Mass Spectrometer
            The FDA draft guidance, "Genotoxic and Carcinogenic   drug dose at levels approximately 150 times lower than
            Impurities in Drug Substances and Products: Recommended   prescribed in the ICH guidelines.
            Approaches," was issued to cover the verification of the   NMR is a typical method for the structural analysis of organic
            genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of ultra-trace impurities in   compounds. However, due to the need to analyze mixtures
            new pharmaceuticals, investigational new drugs, and generic   and the demand for sensitivity, LCMS-IT-TOF , which offers
            pharmaceuticals by structural analysis. This demands   precise mass measurements and MS , is an effective method
            structural analysis of ultra-trace impurities in a 200 mg daily   for the structural analysis of ultra-trace impurities.
    FDA Regulations on
  Genotoxic Impurities
            ˙  The LCMS-IT-TOF  Realizes High Precision Mass ɹ
              Measurement in High Efficiency MS  Measurement
              LCMS-IT-TOF , a mass spectrometer combining QIT (ion trap)
            ɾ         ®                                           automated extraction of a structurally-relevant peak using MS                        230nm,4nm (1.00)
              and TOF (time-of-flight) technologies, provides MS  capability     spectral similarity. Composition Prediction Software (Formula
              by the QIT and precise, high-resolution mass measurement       Predictor) is capable of formula prediction using mass accuracy
              capabilities by TOF. Precise mass measurement in MS , which is     as well as by combining isotopic pattern scoring, chemical rule
              not possible using a typical LC/MS/MS, is now a reality.    and MS  filtering.
            ɾ                                                  ɾ
                                                                  When analyzing an ultra-trace impurity and it cannot be
              Shimadzu offers a versatile software solution to support
  Residual Solvents
              workflows covering detection of ultra-trace impurities,     determined whether the samples will be detected as positive or
    FDA Regulations on
              composition prediction and structural prediction. MetID     negative ions, the high-speed, stable ion polarity switching
              Solution Metabolite Structural Analysis Software is capable of     mode ensures mass spectral information will be obtained.

                                          Prominence Series and LCMS-IT-TOF ®
                                          High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
  Inorganic Impurities
    FDA Regulations on

                   LCMSsolution Ver. 3 Series       MetID Solution                        Formula Predictor
   Support from Shimadzu
                   LCMS-IT-TOF  Work Station        Metabolite Structural Analysis        for LCMS-IT-TOF ®
                                                    Software for LCMS-IT-TOF ®

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