Page 8 - Food&Beverages-Food Development
P. 8

Amino Acids                                                                                                               Organic Acids

            Of all the amino acids, glutamic acid is widely known as a   D-amino acids have different flavors, with D-amino acids     Organic acids contained in food products are important   development. However, know-how is needed to detect various
            component of the umami taste (delicious taste). Further, the   exerting a broad influence on the flavor of fermented foods   components that contribute to their deliciousness, including   organic acids specifically and with high sensitivity in samples
            types and component ratios of amino acids largely control the   and aged foods. Numerous amino acids are being analyzed for   their sourness and umami tastes. In addition, recently, they have   with many impurities such as food products. The organic acid
            flavor of this food product. For example, glycine and alanine are   purposes of food development and quality control, with new   become a topic of interest for their digestive stimulant and   analysis system is used in the field of food development as a
            sweet, valine and leucine are bitter, and aspartic acid and   components of the umami taste and sweetening agents         antibacterial effects.                             simultaneous analysis method for various organic acids.
            glutamic acid are sour.                            expected.                                                              The analysis of organic acids is a useful approach to food
            In addition, in recent years, it has been reported that L- and
                                                                                                                                      High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph
                                                                                                                                      Organic Acid Analysis System                                                                               Food Texture
            High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph                 Analysis of Amino Acids in Black Vinegar                                                                                  Analysis of Organic Acids in Food Products
            ・Post-Column Amino Acid Analysis System
            ・Pre-Column Derivatization Amino Acid Analysis System  Food products contain amino acids with a variety of flavors. Their                                                       Organic acids such as citric acid and acetic acid shape the flavor and
                                                                  types and component ratios have a significant impact on the flavor
   Food Texture
                                                                  of the food product.                                                                                                      aroma of food products in various ways.
                                                                                                                                                                                            This example shows the analysis of organic acids in food product
                                                                  This example shows the analysis of the amino acids in black vinegar                                                       samples. It was confirmed that organic acids can be analyzed with
                                                                  using a pre-column derivatization amino acid analysis system.                                                             high accuracy, and with no interference from impurities.
                                                                  Pretreatment is automated by using the SIL-30AC autosampler with
                                                                  its pretreatment function. This saves on labor, and at the same
                                                                  time, enables analysis with high accuracy.
                                                                     mV                                                                                                                                            3.5     2     7
              Prominence Post-Column  Nexera Pre-Column Derivatization  500                                                                                                                                        3.0
             Amino Acid Analysis System  Amino Acid Analysis System                                                                                                                                                2.5      3
                                                                     400                                                                                                                                           1.5    1
             Amino Acid Analysis System                                                                                                                                                                            1.0       4  5
                                                                                                                                       Organic Acid Analysis System                                                0.5          6
             Most amino acids do not have an absorption band in the short wavelength region, so                                                                                                                     0
             derivatization is required for highly sensitive and selective analysis. The more suitable   300                           This organic acid analysis system features excellent selectivity and         0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  min
             system is used to suit the sample being analyzed and the objective.                                                       sensitivity due to the post-column pH-buffered electric conductivity   Tomato Extract  White Wine (UHPLC analysis)
             Post-Column Derivatization System                                                                                         detection method.
             After the amino acids are separated from impurities, they are made to react with a   200                                  The organic acids are separated by ion exclusion chromatography. Then   1. Citric acid      4. Acetic acid  1. Formic acid  5. Citric acid
                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Succinic acid    5. Carbonic acid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. Malic acid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6. Pyroglutamic acid
             derivatization reagent. From this process, the impact of impurities is reduced, and this                                                                                           3. Lactic acid    3. Lactic acid  7. Succinic acid
             system can be applied to a wide range of samples, with excellent quantitation                                             a pH buffering reagent is continuously added to the column eluate.         4. Acetic acid
             capability and reproducibility.                         100                                                               Since the pH is maintained at nearly neutral, the organic acids are
             Pre-Column Derivatization System                                                                                          dissociated and detected via electric conductivity. This is suitable for the
             The amino acids are first subjected to derivatization, and are then separated in reverse                                  analysis of samples with many impurities.            Source: Shimadzu Application News No. L208 and No. L436.
             phase mode. Analysis can be performed with high sensitivity, high separation, and   0
             high throughput by combining this with the automatic pretreatment function of an   0  2  4  6  8  10  min                                                                                                                           Components of Deliciousness
             autosampler, and an ultra high performance liquid chromatograph.
            Analysis System for D/L Amino Acids                                                                                       Sugar
            High Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  Analysis of D/L Amino Acids in Yogurt Drinks
   Components of Deliciousness
            + LC/MS/MS Method Package for D/L Amino Acids                                                                             As the basis for sweetness, sugar is one of the most familiar   sweetening agents and functional foods are a focus of
                                                                  It has been reported that D-amino acids other than aspartic acid,
                                                                  glutamic acid, and proline give sweet taste, and that when there    components used as raw ingredients and flavoring agents in   attention, and research and development of sugar are actively
                                                                  are multiple D-amino acids with taste embellishing effects in a     food products. However, although they are all referred to as   conducted. The reducing sugar analysis system is used in the
                                                                  food product, they create a composite flavor quality.               sugar, there are many varieties, and they differ significantly in   field of food development as a high-sensitivity analysis method
                                                                  This example shows the analysis of D/L amino acids in yogurt        their sweetness and bioactivity. In addition, diets and health   for various reducing sugars from brewed food products and
                                                                  drinks from different manufacturers. For some amino acids, the      consciousness are in favor these days, the development of   other samples.
                                                                  D-amino acid ratio is relatively high, and significant differences in
                                                                  the component ratio of D/L amino acids are evident depending
                                                                  on the manufacturer. It is suggested that this may contribute to    High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph
             LCMS-8060                                                                                                                Reducing Sugar Analysis System
                                                                  differences in flavor qualities.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Analysis of Sugars in Food Products
                                                                      D/L Component Ratio  Yogurt A  Yogurt B
                                                                          Alanine     164.0%      40.2%                                                                                     This example shows the analysis of sugars in foods using the
                                                                          Arginine     6.9%       36.5%                                                                                     reducing sugar analysis system.
                                                                         Asparagine    43.2%      16.5%                                                                                     It was confirmed that high-sensitivity analysis can be performed
                                                                         Aspartic acid  38.1%     15.3%
                                                                          Cysteine      -           -                                                                                       with high selectivity for trace sugar content, in food product
                                                                         Glutamine     0.6%       19.8%                                                                                     samples with many impurities.
                                                                        Glutamic acid  4091.1%   5069.6%
                                                                          Histidine     -         5.2%                                                                                         uRI          Peaks   mV                           Odors and Other Items
                                                                         Isoleucine    0.8%       1.0%                                                                                         30          2. Sucrose  13 12  Peaks  6  7
                                                                                                                                                                                                           3. Glucose
             Analysis System for D/L Amino Acids                        Alloisoleucine  59.4%     39.3%                                                                                             2      4. Fructose  11 10  2.Ribose
                                                                          Leucine      1.0%         -                                                                                                              9  5.Arabinose
             With two chiral separation columns, this analysis system uses an   Lysine  73.5%     3.5%                                                                                         20    3  4          8  7.Glucose
             LC/MS/MS method package containing the parameters for a     Methionine    0.9%         -                                                                                                              6
             simultaneous analysis of 22 D/L amino acids in 10 minutes. Derivatization   Phenylalanine  0.5%  1.5%                                                                             10                  5 4      5
   Odors and Other Items
             during pretreatment is not necessary, and high-sensitivity analysis can be   Serine  14.4%  29.3%                         Reducing Sugar Analysis System                                              3 2   1  3  4
             performed in a short period of time for more efficient analysis.  Threonine  1.5%    4.6%                                 This reducing sugar analysis system uses the post-column fluorescence   0   1      2
                                                                        Allothreonine  42.5%      23.7%                                                                                                            0
                                                                         Tryptophan    1.9%       13.3%                                derivatization detection method with arginine as the reaction reagent.  0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  min  0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  min
            Note: The analysis methods in this method package were developed based on the results of
                research by the Fukusaki Laboratory at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka   Tyrosine  2.1%  107.4%              It is capable of high-sensitivity analysis with high selectivity for reducing   Orange Juice  Vinegar
                University.                                               Valine       0.4%       0.9%                                 sugar, even in samples with very little sugar content and many
            Reference: Nakano, Y., Konya, Y., Taniguchi, M., Fukusaki, E., Journal of Bioscience and   Source: Shimadzu Application News No. C156.  impurities.                             Source: Shimadzu Application News No. L467 and No. L382.
                  Bioengineering, 123, 134-138 (2016)
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