Page 3 - Food&Beverages-Food Development
P. 3

World Map of Shimadzu Sales, Service,  Analyzing Flavor Scientifically

 Manufacturing, and R&D Facilities  At Shimadzu, we are using our technologies to support the realization of everyone's wish, to eat safe

            and delicious food.

            In this brochure, we introduce applications showcasing the use of analytical instruments for the
            objective evaluation of a variety of subjective factors, such as flavor and food texture, which together
            with taste are sensed by people as deliciousness. The test methods supplement sensory tests, and are
            used as methods for obtaining quantified objective results in the fields of food development and

            quality control.

                            Item        Target             Instruments Used                       Reference Page

                             Food Texture  Texture         Texture Analyzer                                 P. 4
                                          Particle Size Distribution  Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer  P. 6
                                          Moisture Content  Moisture Analyzer                               P. 7
                             Components   Amino Acids      Amino Acid Analysis System                       P. 8
                             of Deliciousness
                                                           Analysis System for D/L Amino Acids
                                          Organic Acids    Organic Acid Analysis System                     P. 9
                                          Sugar            Reducing Sugar Analysis System                   P. 9
                                          Fats and Oils    Gas Chromatograph                                P.  10
                                                           Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
                                          Bitter and Astringent  Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph  P.  11
                                          Taste Components  Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer             P.  12
                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
                             Odors and    Odor             Headspace Analysis System                        P.  14
                             Other Items
                                                           Flavour & Fragrance Natural & Synthetic Compounds Library  P.  15
                                                           Database for Off-Flavor Analysis
                                          Sensory Evaluation  Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer with a Sniffing Port  P.  16
                                                           functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System
 Sales and Service                        Color            UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer                     P.  17
 Manufacturing                            Freshness        High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph
 R&D                                      Additives        UV-VIS Spectrophotometer                         P.  18
                                                           High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
                                          Packing Materials  Texture Analyzer                               P.  19
                                                           Headspace Analysis System

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