Page 6 - Food&Beverages-Food Development
P. 6

Particle Size Distribution                                                                                                Moisture Content

            With food products, the particle size distribution is said to have   uniform, creating a smooth impression, or conversely, large and   The moisture in food products is one of their constituent   respective food products can be lost, so the moisture content
            an impact on food texture, particularly the feeling on the   non-uniform, producing a subtle food texture. Particle size   substances. In addition to having a major impact on food   has a significant effect on the deliciousness of food products.
            tongue and crunchiness. The human tongue is very sensitive,   analyzers can measure particle sizes in the range from 17 nm to   texture, specifically a food's firmness and smoothness, it acts as   A moisture analyzer is used for a wide range of applications,
            and is said to be able to recognize the touch of a particle   2.5 mm. They are used in the fields of food development and   a solvent for the gustatory components sensed as flavor and   including food development and quality control, through
            several dozen micrometers or larger. The particle size   quality control with the objective of quantitatively assessing the   fragrance. If the moisture content in food products is changed   measurement of the moisture in food products.
            distribution is an important factor in food development, as   particle size distribution related to food texture.         even slightly, the unique flavor and food texture of the
            depending on the product, the particles can be tiny and
                                                                                                                                      ■ Features                                         Moisture Analyzer
            ■ Features                                         Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer                               Accurate Moisture Ratio Measurements with Simple Operations                                                Food Texture
            Wide Measurement Range                                                                                                    Simply place the sample in the sample pan, and close the cover
   Food Texture
            The measurement range is a wide 17 nm to 2.5 mm, enabling                                                                 to begin the measurements.
            application to the measurement of various food products. The                                                              The sample tray is a large 95 mm, and the sample can be
            resolution is also high, and can be applied to the measurement                                                            uniformly heated, to provide high-precision measurements.
            of mixed samples.                                                                                                         Measuring a Range of Samples with a Variety of Measurement Modes
            Supporting a Wide Range of Measurement Objectives                                                                         With a variety of measurement modes, the instrument can
            This can be used for a wide range of measurement objectives                                                               measure samples in a range of forms, including powders (wheat
            including wet measurements, dry measurements, and                                                                         flour, etc.), granules (grains, etc.), solids (dried noodles and
            high-concentration sample measurements.                                                                                   processed foods, etc.), and even liquids (beverages, etc.) &
                                                                Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer                              pastes (flavorings, etc.).
            Assisting Measurement Reliability with Standard Operating   With this instrument, particles are irradiated with laser light, and the
            Procedure (SOP)                                     particle size distribution is then calculated from the intensity distribution   Outstanding User Friendliness             Moisture Analyzer
            The measurement conditions and procedures, including   pattern of the diffracted and scattered light generated. A wide range of   The instrument is equipped with a number of user-friendly   This instrument determines the moisture ratio by heating a sample to
            pretreatment, can be registered, so results can be obtained with   samples can be applied, and it is used for various applications, from food   functions, including a USB port for connection to a computer   vaporize the moisture, and then calculating the change in mass before
            high reproducibility even if the analyst or the measurement site   development to manufacturing and quality control.      using a single cable, an observation window for checking the   and after heating.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The measurement procedure is simple, so it is widely used for moisture
            changes.                                                                                                                  condition of a sample during heating, and a halogen heater   ratio measurements in the food industry.
                                                                                                                                      which can be replaced easily.

               Particle Size Distribution Measurements for Soybean Powder                                                                Measurement of Mayonnaise Using a Fiberglass Sheet                                                      Components of Deliciousness
               The raw ingredients for bread, noodles, and many   Q 3 (%)                                q 3 (%)
               other processed foods are powders. The distribution of   100                                10 9                          Mayonnaise is highly viscous, so by placing the sample on a fiberglass sheet (optionally available), and then spreading it out to a uniform thickness
               these particles is known to have a significant effect on   80                                8                            using a spatula before measurement, the drying time can be shortened, and data can be obtained with high reproducibility.
               food texture. Accordingly, the particle size distribution   70                               7
               is measured with the objective of developing food   60                                       6
               products and controlling their quality.  50                                                  5                                                                                                     Mayonnaise
   Components of Deliciousness
               This example shows the measurement of the particle   Normalized Particle Amount  40          4                                                                                            25.00
               size distribution of soybean powder, which is used as a   30                                 3                                                                                            20.00
               raw ingredient for a variety of processed food   20                                          2
               products. It was confirmed that the particle sizes can   10                                  1                                                                                           Moisture Content(%)  15.00
               be objectively evaluated and controlled.  0                                                  0                                                                                            10.00
                                                         0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  500 1000  5000
                                                                          Particle Diameter (µm)                                                                                                         5.00
                                                                                                                                              (Before measurement)       (After measurement)
                                                                                                                                              The sample is placed on a   The drying surface of the      0.00
                                                                                                                                              fiberglass sheet, and is then   mayonnaise is increased by the       Time(min)
               Food Texture and Particle Size Distribution of Ice Cream                                                                       spread out uniformly using a   fiberglass sheet, and it dries
                                                                                                                                              spatula.                   uniformly.                Using the computer connection function,
               Ice cream comes in a wealth of variations, with   q 3 (%)
               differences in form, amount of milk content, and   10                                                                                                                                the data can be imported into Excel.
               flavor, and many types are commercially available.  9
               This example shows the measurement of the particle   8                                                                    Moisture Ratio Measurements for Various Food Products
               size distribution for three different flavors of ice   7
               cream: vanilla, green tea, and red bean. The results   6                                                                  The table below summarizes moisture ratio measurements for various food product samples using the moisture analyzer.
               obtained reflect the impression that the vanilla is   5
               smooth, the green tea is somewhat granular, and the   Normalized Particle Amount  4                                                               Sample   Measurement Mode  Heating Temp. Measurement  Moisture Ratio  CV Value
               red bean is even more granular in terms of food   3                                                                                 Sample Name  Amount  Ending Mode  Ending Conditions  (℃)  Time (min)  (%)  (%)                Odors and Other Items
               texture.                                  2 1                                                                                       Mayonnaise     1g      TIME    (% or min)  160℃     10:00    20.61%    0.46%
                                                                                                                                                                                   10 min
                                                         0                                                                                         Instant coffee  1g     TIME     10 min    120℃      10:00     7.43%    1.18%
                                                         0.01  0.05 0.1  0.5  1  5  10   50  100  500 1000  5000
                                                                          Particle Diameter (µm)                                                    Chocolate     3g      AUTO     0.01%     140℃       6:18     2.36%    1.49%
   Odors and Other Items
                                                                                                                                                    Corn starch   5g      AUTO     0.05%     200℃       7:54    12.94%    0.16%
                                                                                                                                                    White rice    5g      AUTO     0.05%     200℃      12:30    15.12%    0.53%
               ○:Vanilla                                     The peak centered near 2 µm represents the main component of the particle size distribution.
               ●:With green tea powder    A small peak, centered near 3 µm and likely due to the particles of green tea, is added to the distribution of vanilla.  Tea  5g  AUTO   0.05%     120℃       9:05     3.76%    0.41%
               △:With red beans              A large peak, centered near 80 µm and likely due to the ground red beans, is added to the distribution of vanilla.  Milk  1g  AUTO    0.05%     140℃       7:30    87.36%    0.04%

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