Page 5 - Food&Beverages-Food Development
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 The texture of food, including the sense of crispness,   individual differences in people's sensations and physical
 springiness, firmness, and the feeling on the tongue, is an   condition.  Evaluation of Food Products Using a Diversity of Jigs
 important element that together with taste has an impact on   Shimadzu's texture analyzer supplements sensory tests, and is   Shimadzu offers a wide variety of jigs designed to suit the characteristics and shapes of each food product. This allows users to obtain
 the deliciousness of food.  used as a method for obtaining objective results in the form of   measurement results with a high correlation to sensory evaluations.
 Food texture is normally evaluated using sensory tests.   numerical values for use in the field of food development.
 However, sensory tests are often difficult to reproduce, due to

 Texture Analyzer                                                                                                      Food Texture
 Food Texture
 B B
 A1  A2                   Potato Chip Breakage Test    Sausage Shearing Test    Cereal Compression Shearing Test

 C  A3
 T1  T2
 Example of a Method for Evaluating Texture Characteristics

 ■ Features
 High Precision  Hardness: H
 The system uses a high-precision load cell with a guaranteed   Maximum test force when loads are applied to a food by a plunger.
 precision of ±0.5 % of the indicated value, enabling highly   Fracturability: B           Tensile and Shearing Test for Noodles  Viscosity Test for Liquids  Standard-Compliant Tests for Nursing Care Foods
 Force by which food is broken down in the mouth.
 reliable measurement results.  Stickiness: A3
 A Wealth of Jigs  Force by which food is pulled apart when it is touched by hands or put in
 the mouth, and adheres to the teeth, tongue, and oral cavity.
 To obtain measurement results with a high correlation to sensory   Cohesiveness: A2/A1
 evaluations, Shimadzu has a lineup of various evaluation jigs   When a load is applied to a food product, the food is deformed and   Evaluation of Bread Using Two Jigs
 designed with consideration to the characteristics and shapes of   broken down.                                       Components of Deliciousness
 each food product.  Ratio of the 1st and 2nd load areas (energy) when loading is applied   The food texture, including the springiness, crispness, and firmness, is an important factor in shaping the deliciousness of bread. This example shows
 twice in succession.  a compression test and punching test of the same bread using two different jigs. In the respective tests, evaluation results with differing
 Easy-to-Operate Software  Springiness: T2/T1  perspectives were obtained. It was confirmed that by combining the different tests, more multifaceted evaluation results were obtained than would
               have been possible with a single test.
 With intuitive test parameter settings and automatic analysis   Ratio of depression and displacement when loading is applied to a food
 twice in succession with a plunger.
 functions, TRAPEZIUM X, the software for operations and analysis,   Gumminess: H × A2/A1  3.0
 can be used to obtain highly reliable measurement results.  Hardness × cohesiveness, semi-solid food products.  2.6
 Components of Deliciousness
 Chewiness: H × A2/A1 × T2/T1                               2.4
 Texture Analyzer (Strength Testing Machine)  Hardness × cohesiveness × springiness, solid food products.  2.2
 This instrument evaluates the characteristics and texture of food   1.8
 materials by applying forces and deformations to them through   Test Force (N)  1.4
 compression, shear, and piercing. A variety of food materials can be   1.2
 measured by changing the measurement conditions and jigs.  1.0
 Szczesniak's Texture Profile    Compression Test             0   5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50
                                                                        Displacement (Strain) (%)
 Properties  Primary   Secondary   Common Terms  Description of Properties
 Properties  Properties
 Hardness  Soft-Firm-Hard  Force required for a given deformation volume. Internal cohesive forces that give the food its shape.  9
 Fracturability Crumbly-Crunchy-Brittle  Force required to crush food. Related to hardness and cohesiveness.  7
 Energy required to chew solid food until it can be swallowed. Related to hardness, cohesiveness, and   6
 Cohesiveness  Chewiness  Soft-Tough                        Test Force (N)  5                                          Odors and Other Items
 springiness.                                                4
 Gumminess Crumbly-Powdery-Pasty-Rubbery  Energy required to chew semi-solid food until it can be swallowed. Related to hardness and cohesiveness.  3
 Viscosity  Light and runny-Thick and sticky  Degree of flow for a unit of force
 Odors and Other Items
 Mechanical Properties
 Springiness  Plastic/ductile-Elastic  Proportion of a deflection caused by an external force that returns to the original position after the force is removed  Punching Test  -1 0  20  40  60  80  100 120 140 160 180 200  220 240 260 280  300
                                                                        Displacement (Strain) (%)
 Force required to overcome the attractive force between the surface of a food product and other things   Sensory Evaluation
 Adhesiveness  Gooey-Sticky-Slimy
 (such as the tongue, teeth, and palate)  A: Very soft    B: Springy    C: Crispy (whole wheat flour)    D: Firm
 Note: Alina Surmacka Szczesniak
          Texture-related terminology was arranged and systematized for the first time internationally in 1963.
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