Page 28 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 28
Selection These article were selected by Shimadzu. Relating Clinical analysis and development,
they are from posters presented at ASMS 2020. They feature a variety of instruments
we produce and include cutting-edge technologies. Please obtain the articles of your
interest through the links on the titles.
Evaluation of automated quantitative analysis Fully automated LC-MS/MS method to assess
of the doubly charged glycatedβ-hemoglobin DPD deficiency in Cancer treatment with 5-FU
by MALDI-TOF MS Fluoropyrimidines (5-fluorouracil or capecitabine) are anticancer drugs used
This approach opens a new world to time and cost-effective analysis of in nearly 60% of chemotherapy treatment. It is known that they can lead
HbA1c within the clinical chemistry. Long-term control of the glycemic to severe or lethal toxicities in case of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
state of haemoglobin is the most important and reference tool for the (DPD) deficiency, therefore it is highly recommended to check for that DPD
management of diabetes. The Dutch diabetic association recommends efficiency status. In France, health authorities recommend the determina-
monitoring the level of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) two to four times a tion of uracil concentration to guide dosing of fluoropyrimidines. Numer-
year, depending on the type of diabetes. Several procedures and numerous ous LC-MS/MS methods have been proposed but they include complex
commercial instruments, based mainly on chromatographic separation liquid-liquid or solid-phase extraction procedures. To answer to the need
methods, are currently available for the determination of HbA1c in blood of high throughput and robust analysis, our objective was to develop a
samples. In this study we have developed a method for automated quanti- method where the extraction was carried out by a programable liquid han-
fication of HbA1c with MALDI-TOF. dler robot directly coupled to a LCMS/MS system.
Monitoring of embryonic stem cell differentiation Cost effective and rapid method for simultaneous
trajectories by intact cell mass spectrometry determination of vitamin B12, 25-Hydroxyvitamin
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are promising tools for diseasemodel- D2 and D3 from plasma using LC-MS/MS
ing, cell therapy, bio-industry or drug development. However, longterm Lifestyle disorders are manifesting as deficiency of vitamin B12 and vitamin
cultured hESCs finally develop hidden phenotypic changes, cumulatively D. Clinicians have always corelated vitamin B12 and D deficiencies to heart
acquire various alterations on both the genetic and non-genetic levels and diseases and many other health problems. This has led to the demand of si-
despite advanced culture techniques, the culture-adapted clones with un- multaneous determination of vitamin B12, 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 in
wanted properties clones are inevitably selected. However, these changes plasma. To make the analysis cost effective and rapid, in this method the mol-
could remain unnoticed until they alter the genome, karyotype or cell phe- ecules of different polarity are been extracted and processed simultaneously.
notype, even in case of the high expression of stemness-associated tran-
scription factors, or their differentiation capacity, or a typical morphology.
Furthermore, molecular, genetic, and/or light-microscopy analyses can fail
in the case of the genetically or karyotypically silent changes that are
evoked in cultured cells. Thus, recent quality control approaches often
suffer of low sensitivity or may produce biased output. Therefore, there
is an ongoing need for sensitive, robust, feasible and affordable methods
revealing abnormalities in cell phenotype.
A multiplex targeted Mass spectrometry Evaluation of a rapid LC-MS/MS method
approach for the quantification of synuclein to measure simultaneously IDUA and IDS
proteoforms in human biological fluids enzymes activities in dried blood spots
Innovative multiplex and targeted mass spectrometry method development A novel and rapid LC-MS/MS method was developed to simultaneously
for the quantification of the alpha, beta and gamma synuclein in biological measure the activities of lysosomal enzymes for newborn screening.
samples as CSF and plasma in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) is a group in lysosomal storage disorders
In the synucleopathy field, one of the main goals remains to discover bio- (LSDs) caused by a deficiency of lysosomal hydrolases responsible for the
markers allowing to discriminate between Parkinson’s disease, Lewy Body catabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Some techniques such as fluo-
dementia or Multi System Atrophy. For this purpose, alpha synuclein has rometric and mass spectrometric assays have been developed to measure
been intensively studied due to its major presence in aggregates such as these enzyme activities for the purpose of newborn screening.The use of
Lewy bodies, hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases [Vinnakota et mass spectrometric techniques has exhibited advantages over the other
al, 2018; McLean et al, 2012]. Alpha synuclein and its proteoforms are techniques in the ability to multiplex several enzymes in one assay. In this
present at different levels in brain and CSF indicating that they might be study, we report a novel method using tandem mass spectrometry that is
relevant biomarkers. [Schmid et al, 2013; Otto et al, 2019; Zetterberg et al, capable of simultaneous measurement of the activities of the MPS en-
2019]. In this context, our objective is to develop a mass spectrometry mul- zymes including IDUA (MPS I) and IDS (MPS II) in a short time scale. In this
tiplex method to quantify proteoforms of the synucleins family (alpha, beta presentation, the developed method is detailed.
and gamma) in human biological fluid (CSF, plasma).
Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1 27