Page 33 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 33

Latest topics 3

                    Sales of Novel Coronavirus PCR

                                  Testing Reagent Kits

                       outside Japan Exports Began

            Shimadzu Corporation will begin fully rolling out sales of the novel   Shimadzu has been manufacturing the reagent kits for research use
            coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) detection reagent kits outside Japan.   in Japan since April of last year and then in September obtained
            On January 19th, Shimadzu obtained provisional authorization   authorization from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
            from the Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to sell the kits   to manufacture and sell the kits as a drug for in vitro diagnostic use.
            and will start exporting the kits to Southeast Asian markets through   Shimadzu remains committed to increasing its contribution to pre-
            Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd., the Asia/Oceania regional head-  venting the spread of infections in Japan and throughout the world
            quarter, beginning in early February.              by offering testing reagents and instruments in the future as well.
                                                               Shimadzu expects to produce up to 3,000 kits (for 300,000 tests) per
            In the United States, sales started in September of last year for use   month for export markets.
            in laboratory developed tests (LDT) based on a U.S. Food and
            Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA).
                                                                      Learn more about Shimadzu’s response
            In Austria, sales for use as research reagents started in October and   to the COVID-19 pandemic:
            preparations are currently underway for exporting the reagents to
            France, Croatia, and other EU countries.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.9  Issue1 32
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