Page 31 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 31

Latest topics 2

                                                       Latest topics 2

                                Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) &

                 Changi General Hospital (CGH) jointly

                          launch centre to conduct mass

               spectrometry-based clinical testing and

                 research for personalised treatment

            The Shimadzu-CGH Clinomics Centre (SC ) aims       technologies and instruments that will enhance the standard of care
            to improve turn-around time and clinical diag-     for our patients.”
            nostic accuracy of diseases such as hypertension      As Shimadzu we are committed to using our years of experi-
            and other endocrine conditions in adults           ence in Analytical and Medical technologies towards Advanced
            On 27 January 2021, Singapore—The Shimadzu–CGH Clinomics   Healthcare initiatives. Mr. Tetsuya Tanigaki, Managing Director,
            Centre (SC ), a public-private partnership by Changi General   Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, highlighted, “Excellence in Science
            Hospital (CGH) and Shimadzu (Asia Pacific), was officially opened   is not only a motto but a way of life in the Shimadzu Family. And
            by the Guest of Honour, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore   it is with this philosophy that we, along with CGH, are powering
            Heng Swee Keat. A satellite laboratory of CGH, the initial SC    the SC  lab with futuristic technologies such as mass spectrometry
            operations will focus on developing and validating various clinical     and Analytical Intelligence among several others, to ensure that we
            applications and research to improve clinical diagnostics, which   deliver more accurate and faster outcomes to patients. This Centre
            lead to better clinical care for patients with hypertension and other   is an example of how we can collaborate to establish a pioneer-
            chronic diseases.                                  ing partnership for Advanced Healthcare. This is the first time that
               Professor Ng Wai Hoe, Chief Executive Officer, CGH, very   Shimadzu is working with a public hospital to establish a Clinomics
            well  stated  the  need  and  relevance  of  such  collaborations,  “The   Laboratory in Singapore. Our efforts will certainly transform the
            coming together of the clinical and research expertise of CGH and   healthcare landscape of not only Singapore and the Asia Pacific
            SingHealth with Shimadzu’s diagnostic and analytical capabilities   region but also of the world.”
            will contribute to medical care and treatment in Singapore. At SC ,
                                                               Top image: DPM  Heng witnessed the signing of the Research Collaboration
            we will co-create clinical applications through mass spectrometry   Agreement between CGH and Shimadzu (Asia Pacific)

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