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Guaranteed Data Quality with
No Experience Needed
As HPLC becomes more commonplace, there is growing demand Insert columns easily with one hand
for instruments that cater to both novices and experts. The LC- After insertion, the new slide-in column is automatically moved
2030C NT provides a simple touch-screen user interface and a into place and connected to the flow line. No tools or experi-
workflow that requires no specialized training. The Shim-pack™ ence are required for installation. Since the Shim-pack NT-ODS
NT-ODS is a slide-in column that can be inserted in one motion, is connected automatically by the instrument, there is no need
with no need for a wrench or other tools. The column is automati- to worry about improper column connections affecting the shape
cally connected into the flow path with no risk of human error. As of chromatograms.
a result, the LC-2030C NT enables all users to collect accurate data
no matter their level of expertise. User-friendly touch controls
System preparations from startup to column equilibration are all
Analytical work using conventional LC systems involves commut- automated. The color LCD touch panel provides user-friendly
ing to work each day, starting up the system, and equilibrating the sample registration and instrument controls.
column, and then acquiring and analyzing the data. While hard-
ware and software advances in HPLC over recent years have led to Stable column performance
a fully-automated analysis cycle, column installation has remained over a large number of samples
a manual step requiring user know-how. With the LC-2030C NT, The dedicated Shim-pack NT-ODS is a monolithic-type column.
we introduce a dedicated slide-in column, the Shim-pack NT-ODS. The packing state of its separation medium is maintained over a
The user can simply insert this column into the front slot and it will long continuous analysis, whereas a particle-type column may de-
be automatically incorporated into the flow path. Analysis can then teriorate. Therefore, the Shim-pack NT-ODS provides long-term
be started from the LCD touch panel. The whole procedure can stability even over a large number of continuous injections.
be carried out by staff without specific training. Equipment status
and chromatograms can be monitored from outside the lab during Learn more about the LC-2030C NT
analysis, and data results can be processed remotely through a net-
worked PC, opening up more possibilities for flexible workplaces. phy/hplcuhplc/lc-2030c-nt/index.html
Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1 29